Harald Schulze

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Harald Schulze (also Harald Schulze-Eisentraut , * 1963 in Marburg ) is a German classical archaeologist and publicist.

After graduating from high school Philippinum in Marburg in 1983, he studied classical archeology , ancient history and art history at the University of Marburg and at the University of Munich from 1984 , where he a. a. studied with Marianne Bergmann , Paul Zanker and Hans Belting and mastered in 1991 . In 1994 he did his doctorate with Hans Peter Laubscher with the thesis of wet nurses and pedagogues . Slaves as educators in ancient art and society . This study was awarded the travel grant of the German Archaeological Institute in 1994.

From 1996 to 2001 he was a research assistant at the University of Frankfurt , from 2001 to 2003 at the Staatliche Antikensammlungen and Glyptothek in Munich . With his article “That should be Alexander the Great” ( Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung December 28, 2005), he provoked a discussion about the identification of the Egyptian rose granite statue in the Liebieghaus in Frankfurt , which was at the center of the exhibition “Egypt - Greece - Rome” ( Städel Frankfurt 26 November 2005 to February 26, 2006). Since 2009 he has been head of the Department of Prehistory of the Mediterranean and the Middle East at the State Archaeological Collection in Munich.

Schulze is a specialist appraiser and expert for archaeological cultural assets, u. a. in the legal dispute over the Roman horse head by Waldgirmes and in the case of the Cornelius Gurlitt collection ("Schwabing art find"). As a curator , Schulze has worked on exhibition projects such as “People and Things - 125 Years of the State Archaeological Collection” (State Archaeological Collection Munich 2011), “ Alexander the Great ” (State Archaeological Exhibition Rosenheim 2013) and “ Cyclades . Early Art in the Aegean ”(Archaeological State Collection Munich 2015) and“ Archeology on the Rose Island since King Max II ”(Archaeological State Collection & Residence Munich 2018/19). At the Grünwald Castle Branch of the State Archaeological Collection he is responsible u. a. for the history of the castle.

In addition to specialist scientific articles, Schulze also publishes articles on archaeological and cultural-historical topics in magazines and newspapers. He also moderated the documentary "Bavaria's dark age" (Director: Elli Kriesch 2012)

Fonts (selection)

  • Wet nurses and educators. Slaves as educators in ancient art and society. Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 1998, ISBN 3-8053-2509-6 (Also: Munich, University, dissertation, 1994).
  • as editor with Torsten Steiger and Alexander Ulfig : Qualification instead of quota. Contributions to equality policy. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2012 ISBN 978-3-8448-1743-0 .
  • as editor with Rupert Gebhard and Ellen Rehm : Alexander the Great. Rulers of the World (= exhibition catalogs of the State Archaeological Collection. 39). Philipp von Zabern et al., Darmstadt et al. 2013, ISBN 978-3-8053-4602-3 .
  • with Torsten Steiger, Alexander Ulfig: The quota trap. Why gender politics is misleading. FinanzBook Verlag, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-95972-015-1 ( limited preview in Google book search).

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