Hardtbach is a geographical name:
- Hardtbach (Floß) , left tributary of the Floß in Floß , Neustadt an der Waldnaab district, Bavaria
- Hardtbach (Grünbach) , left tributary of the Grünbach or Wühlbach (with Brunnenbach leading to the Ammer ) before Wielenbach , Weilheim-Schongau district, Bavaria
- Hardtbach (Hürtgenbach) , right upper reaches of the Hürtgenbach (to the Weißen Wehebach , to the Wehebach ) near Hürtgen , municipality of Hürtgenwald, Düren district, North Rhine-Westphalia
- Hardtbach (Kraichbach) , right tributary of the Kraichbach to Hockenheim and left branch of the Leimbach near Walldorf, both Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg
- Hardtbach (Lauter) , right tributary of the Lauter in the Forêt de Wissembourg near Schleithal , Canton of Wissembourg, Département Bas-Rhin (German: Niederelsass), Region Grand-Est, France
- Hardtbach (Rechenberger Rot) , right tributary of the Rechenberger Rot in front of Connenweiler, municipality of Stimpfach , district of Schwäbisch Hall, Baden-Wuerttemberg
- Hardtbach (Rhine) , left tributary of the Rhine near Graurheindorf, City of Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia; successive name segments Hardtbach → Alter Bach → Dransdorfer Bach → Rheindorfer Bach
- Hardtbach (Wupper) , left tributary of the Wupper near Dahlhausen, town of Radevormwald, Oberbergischer Kreis, North Rhine-Westphalia
- Hardtbach (Radevormwald) , district of Radevormwald, Oberbergischer Kreis, North Rhine-Westphalia
See also: