Harri Asi

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Harri Asi (born August 29, 1922 in Valga , Estonia , †  January 15, 2009 ) was an Estonian writer and poet .

life and work

Harri Asi was born the son of an electrician in southern Estonia. He attended high school in Valga and enrolled at the University of Tartu after graduating from high school in 1942 . A year later he was drafted into the German army during the German occupation of the Baltic States . In 1945/46 he was a prisoner of war in Belgium . In 1951 Asi emigrated to Canada . There he studied languages, literature and art history at the University of Toronto until 1957 . In 1979 he moved to Calgary .

In Canada, Harri Asi became one of the most famous Estonian writers in exile . Time and again, the traumatic war experience and the experience of exile play a role for him. His poetry collection Sõdalane värsivibuga was published in Gothenburg in 1950, Tuisusõitja in Toronto in 1952 and Kui valgus kaob two years later . Other collections were Heiastused (1959) and Epigramm ehk kaks grammi eepikat (1960). In his novel Pärast plahvatust (Toronto, 1967) Asi takes a critical look at the war and the imprisonment of war.

Harri Asi was also known as a book illustrator. He himself illustrated the volume of poetry Öölillede laul (1971), in which he deals with Buddhist ideas. In 2002 the book of poetry Verses from the unsung followed in English .

Harri Asi died in 2009 at the age of 87.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kirjanik Harri Asi - eluloolisi andmeid (Estonian World Review, October 1, 2004, Estonian, accessed September 25, 2012)
  2. Asi, Harri (Valgamaa kodulooline andmebaas ISIK, Estonian, accessed September 25, 2012)
  3. Eesti elulood. Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus 2000 (= Eesti entsüklopeedia 14) ISBN 9985-70-064-3 , p. 27