Hartbert of Utrecht

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Hartbert , also Heribert († November 12, 1150 ) was Bishop of Utrecht .

Hartbert came from a minority to Bierum in the Groninger Ommelanden . He was ordained a bishop on July 24, 1138 . He was a proud prince of the church, imbued with the high dignity of his office, and at the same time a capable warrior whose looks and words aroused even the most powerful horror. As Beka says, he not only brought the rebellious Groningen to rest in 1143, and defeated the Count of Bentheim, who was in league with Count Dietrich VI. from Holland invaded Drenthe , but also forced the latter, who locked him in Utrecht, by threatening the ban, to ask for peace and reconciliation. During his reign, that great fire occurred that cremated the city of Utrecht except for the Church of St. Salvatore. In high favor with Konrad III. he obtained from the same the confirmation of the privilege which Friesland bestowed on the Utrecht chair.


predecessor Office successor
Andreas von Kuik Bishop of Utrecht
Hermann von Horn