Hartmut Dammer

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Hartmut Dammer (born June 21, 1949 in Bad Bramstedt ; † May 15, 2019 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg ) was a non-party German local politician.


After studying law, Dammer first worked in the city administration of Worms . In 1992 he became legal department head of the Lutherstadt Wittenberg city ​​administration , in 1994 the city council elected him mayor (deputy mayor) and at the same time he was elected to the district council of the Wittenberg district. There he was parliamentary group leader of the SPD parliamentary group. Because of personal differences, he resigned from the SPD. Hartmut Dammer was married and had three children.

Election and term of office

In 2001, as a non-party candidate, he won the runoff election for the office of district administrator against the incumbent Wulf Littke . He took office on July 9, 2001 for a seven-year term. However, due to the district reform of Saxony-Anhalt in 2007 , his term of office ended on June 30, 2007.

District Administrator

The most decisive event of his tenure was the Elbe flood in 2002 . A dike breach near Dautzschen flooded large parts of the East Elbe district, dike breaches near Pratau and Seegrehna flooded parts of the district south of Lutherstadt Wittenberg. 40,000 people were evacuated.

Hartmut Dammer's term of office was characterized by drastic austerity measures and restructuring. The district administration was downsized, branch offices in Jessen and Graefenhainichen were closed and a new central administration building was built. The theater run by the district was closed and public transport was reorganized.

Individual evidence

  1. Irina Steinmann: Mourning in Wittenberg: Ex-District Administrator and long-time mayor Hartmut Dammer dead. May 19, 2019, accessed on May 22, 2019 (German).