Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen

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Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen (born September 18, 1948 in Halle (Saale) ) is a German sociologist and taught from 1997 to 2015 as a professor for economic and industrial sociology at the Technical University of Dortmund .

academic career

Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen received his academic training at the Technical University of Darmstadt , where he graduated as an industrial engineer in 1976. He then worked as a research assistant from 1978 to 1984 at the Sociological Institute at the TH Darmstadt and after his doctorate (1983) from 1985 to 1997 at the Institute for Social Science Research, ISF Munich , before moving to the Chair of Economic and Industrial Sociology at the in 1997 TU Dortmund University was appointed. He has been retired since spring 2015 and has been commissioned by the TU Dortmund as a "senior professor" to continue to carry out industrial and work-sociological research in the field of digitization of work and Industry 4.0. Since then he has headed the industrial and labor research research area, where both basic research and application-oriented research projects in the field of digitization are carried out in close cooperation with the Dortmund Social Research Center (sfs).

His dissertation Organization with EDV was published in 1984; his habilitation thesis was published in 1993 under the title NC development as a social process - American and German innovation patterns in manufacturing technology . His main research interests are the development of industrial work, corporate strategies and networks, innovation processes and technology development. He places a special focus on the development prospects of “mature” industrial sectors. His current research focus is the digitization of work and the question of how industrial work will change under the conditions of Industry 4.0.

Hirsch-Kreinsen was chairman of the work and industrial sociology section of the German Society for Sociology from 2006 to 2008. He was visiting professor at the Finance University in Moscow, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), Faculty for Social Science and the LN Gumilev Eurasian National University in Astana / Kazakhstan. He is also a member of a number of national and international innovation policy advisory bodies. Among other things, he is a social science member of the scientific advisory board of the Industry 4.0 platform and a member of the "Future of Work" advisory board on the IG Metall board.

Fonts (selection)

  • Organization with EDP . R. Frankfurt am Main 1984: RG Fischer
  • NC development as a social process. American and German innovation patterns in manufacturing technology . Frankfurt am Main 1993: Campus
  • Economic and industrial sociology . Weinheim 2005: Juventas (2nd, updated edition 2009).
  • Ed. (With David Jacobson) Innovation in Low-tech Firms and Industries . Cheltenham 2008: Edward Elgar
  • Ed. (Together with Heiner Minssen ): Lexicon for work and industrial sociology . Berlin 2013: edition sigma
  • Ed. (Together with Peter Ittermann, Jonathan Niehaus): Digitization of industrial work. The vision of Industry 4.0 and its social challenges. Baden-Baden 2015: Nomos

Literature about Hirsch-Kreinsen

  • Abel, Jörg; Bender, Gerd; Hahn, Katrin (ed.): Traditionally innovative. Festschrift for Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen on his 65th birthday . Berlin 2013: edition sigma

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