Harvey Boone

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Harvey G. Boone (* around 1898 in Newport News ; † 1939 ) was an American jazz saxophonist (alto saxophone) and clarinetist.

Boone grew up on the coast of Virginia around the turn of the century before recording with Lucille Hegamin and her Blue Flame Syncopators and touring around 1921. He then lived in New York and studied at the New Haven Conservatory in Connecticut. In 1926 he played with Duke Ellington , with whom he also went into the studio, and from 1929 to 1931 with Fletcher Henderson , of which there are also recordings. From around 1933 to 1935 he was a member of Noble Sissle's band (probably alto saxophone on Loveless Love , Decca 1934) and in 1936/37 he was a member of Don Redman's band . He then taught music in Atlanta . He was rarely heard as a soloist, but was involved in 23 recording sessions between 1921 and 1937.


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