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A wealthy family at the time of Jesus Christ in the 1st century in Jerusalem is named as Boëthusier . The family hired several high priests from the Second Temple in Jerusalem . They are also called house boethos in literature .

The family name comes from the high priest Simon ben Boethos . This Alexandria- born Simon was appointed high priest by Herod the Great in 23 BC . Since then they have been very close to the Herod family. Together with the house of Anna , they are also called Sadducees , an elite that knew how to get involved with the royal house of the Herodians and the Roman occupying forces. She was considered one of the richest and most influential families before the destruction of the temple by Emperor Titus in 70 AD. The last high priest from the house of the Boethusians was Jesus ben Gamaliel (64 AD), who, however, was not part of the family himself, but was married to a daughter of the house, Martha.

See also


  1. Oliver Gussmann: The priestly understanding of Flavius ​​Josephus. Page 62
  2. ^ Kurt Wilhelm : Science of Judaism in the German language area. Volume 2, page 151 following