House Marienthal

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House Marienthal

The Haus Marienthal is a youth services facility in Schweinfurt and now has over 150 years of tradition.


Johann Hinrich Wichern (1808–1881)
Ludwig from Jan


In 1849 Johann Hinrich Wichern , the founder of the Inner Mission , also visited Schweinfurt. He had built the “ Rauhe Haus ” in Hamburg to rescue neglected children and convinced the congregations of the necessity to act “for the love of Christ”.

On April 11, 1851, at the suggestion of the socially committed high school professor Ludwig von Jan, an "aid association" was established. This St. Johanniszweigverein, which was dedicated to poor relief as well as helping families and orphans in distress, decided to set up an "orphanage and rescue center". For this purpose, premises in what was then Haus Johannisgasse 598 were rented in 1852.

A year later, on July 23, 1853, the government approved the construction of a new building. On June 24, 1854 ( St. John's Day) the orphanage and rescue house was inaugurated and handed over to its intended use. The facility was named "Haus Marienthal" in honor of the country's mother, Queen Maria .

Further development

The householder was also a teacher at the private institutional school. On September 22, 1892, the government approved the conversion of the home school into a public school. The city ​​magistrate recognized in a contract that the "Haus Marienthal" should run a Protestant denominational school. This made it possible to employ a teacher in addition to the house parents.

The house started working with 20 children and has been expanded over the years so that it could accommodate up to 100 children. Several plots of land and agricultural land were acquired or leased to process and secure the household. The orphans worked in these areas. The predominantly Protestant villages Sennfeld , Schwebheim and Gochsheim supported the "Haus Marienthal" with agricultural products up to our time. Donations of land and bequests expanded the economic base.

The house's children have attended the city's public schools since 1931.

Closure in the Third Reich

In 1940, after accusations against the then deacon Habdank, the house was closed as a tendentious institution by the Gestapo and the association was forced to dissolve itself. In a protocol from 1940, Pastor Beyl, the then chairman of “Haus Marienthal”, describes the process as follows: “On Monday, January 22nd, 1940, I was called to the Marienthal institution after returning from school. There a gentleman from the Gestapo in Würzburg approached me and said that they had been instructed to check the entire operation of the institution on the basis of various information and complaints and demanded that I not re-enter the institution until they would call me, what two to could take three days. This is necessary in order not to impair the course of the investigation. When I asked which side and through whom information and complaints were received, the answer was that no information should be given. All I saw and learned was that examination rooms had been set up in several rooms and were occupied by men from the Gestapo. The head of the house, manager Habdank, was immediately taken into protective custody and taken away when the Gestapo arrived in the morning, the house mother and the employees were told that they had to refrain from any discussions with the children because otherwise they would have to be dealt with in the same way as with the householder. The investigation process then continued. "

Establishment and expansion

After the collapse of the Hitler regime, the city of Schweinfurt returned the home to the re-established association in 1950. New educational concepts turned the orphanage and children's home into a home for children and adolescents. Initially, the house was run as a “ curative education- oriented home”.

From 1970 onwards, residential guidelines were published in the federal states, which made the employment of socio-educational specialists mandatory. The conversion into a "curative education home" requires renovations of the house and new buildings. The groundbreaking ceremony for the new adjoining building took place in 1983 and the new building was inaugurated with a church service in 1984. The old building was renovated and adapted to the new needs for a curative education group and a youth community. The "Haus Johanneum" on the other side of the Marienbach was redesigned to take care of older young people.

The purchase of a house near Forst , municipality of Schonungen , became a home for the first home branch after renovations in 1991. Foundations and bequests made it possible to finance further tasks: the outpatient area was expanded since the late 1980s, and further advisory services were added. This outpatient area ("Flexible Help") has been housed in the Johanneum since 2008.

Since 2000, all after- school care centers in the city of Schweinfurt have belonged to "Haus Marienthal" and form the semi-stationary area here. In the last few years, social work with young people at schools, lunch care, street work and two social-educational day groups have also been added as a further focus of work . The house Marienthal today is corporate law , a non-profit GmbH under the name "Haus Marienthal - Protestant children, youth and family welfare Schweinfurt gGmbH".

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Coordinates: 50 ° 2 ′ 57.5 ″  N , 10 ° 14 ′ 2.5 ″  E