Haworthia floribunda

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Haworthia floribunda
Haworthia floribunda MBB Appelbos.jpg

Haworthia floribunda

Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Grass trees (Xanthorrhoeaceae)
Subfamily : Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae)
Genre : Haworthia
Type : Haworthia floribunda
Scientific name
Haworthia floribunda

Haworthia floribunda is a species of the genus Haworthia in the subfamily of the Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae).


Haworthia floribunda grows stemless and sprouts slowly. The spread out, ovate-lanceolate, twisted leaves form a rosette with a diameter of up to 3 centimeters. The dark green leaf blade is opaque. The tip of the leaf is flattened and rounded. The leaf margins are rough to toothed.

The inflorescence reaches a length of up to 25 centimeters and consists of ten to 15 flowers . Only a few of the greenish white flowers are open at the same time.

Systematics and distribution

Haworthia floribunda is common in the Western Cape province of South Africa.

The first description by Karl von Poellnitz was published in 1936. A nomenclature synonym is Haworthia chloracantha var. Floribunda (Poelln.) Halda (1997).

A distinction is made between the following varieties :

  • Haworthia floribunda var. Floribunda
  • Haworthia floribunda var. Dentata M.B.Bayer
  • Haworthia floribunda var. Major M.B.Bayer



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl von Poellnitz: On the knowledge of the genus Haworthia Duval . In: Repertorium novarum specierum regni vegetabilis . Volume 40, number 1-10, 1936, p. 149 ( doi: 10.1002 / fedr.19360400108 ).

Web links

Commons : Haworthia floribunda  - collection of images, videos and audio files