Head on

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Head on
Studio Sega / Gremlin
Publisher Sega et al. a.
04/ 1979
genre Maze / retro
Game mode 1 or 2 players at the same time (depending on the version)
control 4-way joystick ; 1 button (acceleration)
casing default
Arcade system VIC Dual = CPU : Z80 (@ 1.93356 MHz) or 8080A
Sound CPU: none or i8048
Sound Chips: samples (or AY-3-8910 )
monitor Raster resolution 256 × 224 (4: 3 horizontal) Color palette: 64
information Predecessor to Pac Man

Head On is a computer game that was produced as an arcade game in 1979 by the Gremlin company . There were also arcade versions of Sega and Irem . Shortly thereafter, it was also used for several home computers, e.g. B. ported the VC 20 and Commodore 64 . The game is a maze game like Pac-Man , but the player controls a car.

The game had a small guest appearance in the 1982 film " Die schrillen Vier auf Fahrt " - in the English "National Lampoons Vacation" with Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo .

Game flow

Screen layout

There is a maze of 5 rectangular lanes (3 or 4 for porting). The first is on the outside of the screen, the others are tapered inwards. In the middle of all directions there are openings where the lane can be changed.

 _________________       _________________
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Goal of the game

As with Pac-Man, the aim of the game is to collect all the points on the trail. Then comes a new level . The player's car must not collide with a computer-controlled car. It cannot be slowed down or stopped, only accelerated by pressing a button. There are several computer cars in later levels. There are also versions in which two real players can compete against each other.


Car Wars for the TI-99 / 4A

Arcade versions

  • Gremlin 1979 (1 and 2 player versions)
  • Irem, ca.1979
  • as Invinco / Head On Sega 1979 (with Space Invaders clone )
  • Head On N , Nintendo 1979
  • Head On 2 Sega 1979

Home computer (selection)

Similar games

Web links