Hedy Blum

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Stumbling block for Hedy Blum in Mödling

Hedy Blum (born on August 23, 1931 ; died on August 21, 1942 in Maly Trostinez ) was an Austrian schoolgirl and a victim of the Holocaust . She was with her mother on 17 August 1942 in the extermination camp Maly Trostinez deported and murdered along with her mother Sidonie Blum by the Nazi regime. The life of Blum was the subject of an exhibition in a Vienna district museum.


Hedy Blum lived in Mödling with her parents and her brother Natan until 1937 . Then the family moved to Atzgersdorf . She started school in the Atzgersdorf elementary school in 1937, but was postponed a few weeks after the start of school. From September 1938 she was a student at this elementary school, but only for a few weeks. On November 15, 1938, Hedy Blum was, as it literally says in the surviving class register: “excluded from school as a Jew”. A few days earlier, on November 11th, her father was arrested and deported to the Dachau concentration camp . In May 1939, like almost all Viennese Jews, Hedy and her mother were forcibly relocated from their apartment at Breitenfurter Straße 76 (now 320) to a collective apartment in Leopoldstadt . They shared this with three other families for three years. Hedy attended a so-called "Jewish school" in Leopoldstadt. Your last address in Vienna was Czerningasse 15/17 in the second district of Vienna. Together with her mother, she was deported to the Maly Trostinez extermination camp on August 17, 1942 on the 36th transport (number 780) . All available sources assume that Hedy Blum was murdered together with her mother a few days after arriving at the camp.

Surviving family members

Hedy's father had to leave the German Reich immediately after his release from the Dachau concentration camp ; he survived the Shoah in Palestine. Her brother Natan got abroad on a Kindertransport. He lived in Israel until his death in 2007.


Memorial plaque for Hedy Blum in the elementary school Atzgersdorf / Vienna

In October 2003, the Liesing District Museum showed the exhibition Liesing in the Dark - Persecuted and Murdered Liesingians 1934–1945 . It gave an overview of the crimes of the Nazi regime in Liesing . The exhibition focused on two Jewish fates, one of which was that of Hedy Blum.

Memorial stone for Hedy and Sidonie Blum, Liesing 2013

A memorial plaque , a stumbling stone in Mödling and a memorial stone in Vienna-Liesing are dedicated to the memory of the girl:

  • On the initiative of the parents' association, a memorial plaque for Hedy Blum, the first of its kind in a Viennese elementary school, was installed in the Atzgersdorf elementary school.
  • In 2006 the German artist Gunter Demnig laid stumbling blocks for Hedy Blum and her mother Sidonie in front of the house at Hauptstraße 79 in Mödling .
  • On November 9, 2013, the first two memorial stones were laid in Vienna-Liesing , one dedicated to Hedy Blum and her mother Sidonie, the other to the resistance fighter Therese Klostermann .


Web links

  • Hedy Blum in the central database of Yad Vashem

See also

Individual evidence

  1. There are different statements about the date of death, one source mentions August 23, 1942, that was the girl's eleventh birthday.
  2. a b WAZ: Stones of Remembrance in Liesing , accessed on July 23, 2015.
  3. Gerald Netzl: Liesing in the Dark - an exhibition of the Regional Museum Liesing . In: DAVID - Jüdische Kulturzeitschrift , issue 59/2003 (with curriculum vitae and two photos), accessed on October 16, 2015.
  4. Gerald Netzl: Liesing in the Dark - an exhibition of the Regional Museum Liesing . In: DAVID - Jüdische Kulturzeitschrift , issue 59/2003; with a picture of the plaque.