Heidenauer SV

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Heidenauer SV
Logo of the Heidenauer SV
Basic data
Surname Heidenauer Sportverein eV
Seat Heidenau , Saxony
founding 1948
Colours blue yellow
Website www.heidenauersv.de
First soccer team
Head coach Silvio Bear
Venue natural gas plus stadium
Places 2,000
league State class Central Saxony
2019/20 5th place

The Heidenauer SV is a German sports club based in Heidenau in District Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains .

The association was founded in 1948 as BSG Motor Heidenau , whose predecessor was SG Heidenau , which was founded in 1946 . After the reunification, the club was renamed HSV and SSV. In the seasons 1995/96 and 1998/99 the first men's team (soccer) reached the district championship title and thus rose to the state league of Saxony . In the 2011/12 season, the second place was achieved, whereby the club rose to the Oberliga Nordost .

In women's football , the team qualified for the 2011/12 DFB Cup by participating in the finals of the 2010/11 Saxon State Cup.

In fistball , the top-class team is the first men's team. In the hall, the team took part in the 2nd Bundesliga between 1999/2000 and 2008/09 , before the team took part in the third-class Oberliga Sachsen from the 2009/10 season. In the field season, the team has been playing in the 2nd Bundesliga since 2000 - with the exception of the 2011 season, when the team took part in the third-class Oberliga Sachsen.

The association offers the following departments: football, fistball, billiard bowling, table tennis, running, Bambini sports group, cheerleading sports group. The association has a total of 530 members (as of January 1, 2012).


  • Football men's district champion: 1995/96, 1998/99


The sports stadium was built from 1923 to 1925 and had to be completely rebuilt two years later as a result of a devastating flood that destroyed everything. The Heidenau sports club was founded on September 16, 1951 as "BSG Motor Heidenau". The newly formed sports community now numbered 500 members and consisted of 15 sections, with the football department always being and still being the section with the largest number of members. In addition to fistball, there was gymnastics, swimming, gymnastics, weight training, handball, billiard bowling and much more. After many ups and downs in club life, the club survived the turning point in 1989/1990. On June 26, 1990, the club was re-established under the current name Heidenauer Sportverein (HSV)

Most indoor sports switched to SSV after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 1995/96 the first soccer team won the district championship title for the first time and thus rose to the state league in the 1996/97 game series. However, the player level was not enough for the national league and one rose again. Nevertheless, they managed the impossible in 1999/2000 and played the regional league again, only to be relegated to the district league in the next series. In 2002 you could not hold the district league and fell back into the district class. The absolute highlight in the club came in 2012 with the promotion of the first soccer team to the Oberliga Süd. There you had to relegate to the Sachsenliga again in 2014. On June 21, 2016, the board announced that it would withdraw the first men's football team from the Sachsen Landesliga in order to increase its profile in the youth sector in the future and to concentrate the available financial resources there.

The work in the youth division of the soccer department is mostly carried out on a voluntary basis by the coaches and instructors. Due to the low birth rate, there is a lack of suitable players in some age groups. Due to the wide range of offers from the other Heidenau clubs, it is difficult to fill all teams equally.

All other teams of the club have strengthened themselves in the current years, so that the 2nd team plays in the third highest division of the Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district and even just relegated last year. For women, the World Cup should bring a big boost in their own country. In the club, however, the opposite was the case. After a high with the vice national champion, the team fell apart and they were relegated.

In the female junior segment, good coaching is slowly improving again. The fistball department was already in GDR times and is still the second largest section of the club to this day. The success of this team goes up to the 1st Bundesliga and in the most recent future the Bundesliga fistball can be seen again in Heidenau. A new cheerleading group has been created and enriches the club life with their skills. Through a lot of training and diligence, this training group quickly became known in the city and has many performances.

The same applies to the Bambini sports group, which was founded in 2009 years ago, and which has set itself the task of introducing the little ones from 3 to 6 years to the sport. The youngest are really enthusiastic about it.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Association: The board of directors speaks out «HSV | Heidenauer Sportverein eV (No longer available online.) In: www.heidenauersv.de. Archived from the original on June 22, 2016 ; accessed on June 22, 2016 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.heidenauersv.de