Heinrich Flatten

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Heinrich Flatten (born January 25, 1907 in Aldenhoven , † June 10, 1987 in Cologne ) was a German canon lawyer .


Heinrich Flatten was promoted to Dr. phil. and in 1945 Dr. theol. PhD . In 1934 he was ordained a priest and was professor for canon law from 1955 , initially in Tübingen , from 1963 until his retirement in 1975 at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . In 1966 he became Cologne Cathedral Chapter, in 1972 Honorary Prelate, 1976 Official of the Archdiocese of Cologne and Apostolic Protonotary . He was a canonical advisor to Joseph Cardinal Höffner and lived in the Cardinal Schulte House in Bensberg .

Flatten was head of the documentation office for church law at the German Bishops' Conference and above all consultor of the commission for the revision of canon law (Pontificia Commissio Codici Iuris Canonici recognoscendo) , which was founded on March 28, 1963 by Pope Johannes XXIII. and was entrusted to the presidency of Cardinal Pietro Ciriaci . On Flatten goes in CIC 1983 . See, and the inclusion of willful deceit on the list of those obstacles back that make a marriage invalid (can 1,098th error and deception at marriage according to canon law , Paderborn 1957 Quomodo matrimonium contrahentes iure canonico contra Dolum tutandi sint , Cologne 1961).

Flatten grave site

Heinrich Flatten earned high recognition in the professional world. From 1967 to 1987 he was the editor of the prestigious series of Canonical Studies and Texts . In 1973 a commemorative publication entitled Diaconia et ius was published on his 65th birthday , edited by Heribert Heinemann , Horst Herrmann and Paul Mikat .

Flatten died in 1987 at the age of 80. His grave is located in Cologne's Westfriedhof (hall A).

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Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Fritsch, Günter Leitner: Cemeteries in Cologne - in the middle of life. Jürgen Fritsch-Verlag, Cologne 2003, ISBN 3-936333-01-7 , p. 116.