Heinrich Friedrich Gretschel

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Heinrich Friedrich Gretschel (born October 21, 1830 in Prietitz near Elstra , † February 2, 1892 in Freiberg ) was a German mathematician .


From 1847 Gretschel attended the Technical College in Dresden, which later became the Technical University of Dresden . On April 28, 1851 he was matriculated at the University of Leipzig , where he studied mathematics, natural sciences and ancient languages ​​until 1855. He passed the examination for the higher education authority with excellent results and then worked as a teacher in Leipzig.

On January 2, 1873, he received his doctorate from the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Leipzig with a mathematical dissertation. Gretschel was a universally educated scientist. He wrote books on meteorology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geometry and cartography, worked on violin and bowmaking, and together with Julius Blüthner wrote a work on piano construction, which was published in several editions even after his death.

In 1872 he was appointed professor for mathematics and descriptive geometry at the Bergakademie Freiberg . He held this office until his death. His teaching duties at the time went far beyond mathematics as understood today. Gretschel had the title of mountain ridge. 1875–1880, 1881–1883 ​​and 1886–1889 he was a member of the Mining Academic Senate. His grave is on the Donatsfriedhof in Freiberg .

Works (selection)

  • Catechism of Physics. Weber, Leipzig 1865 ( digitized version )
  • Catechism of Meteorology. Weber, Leipzig 1867
  • Textbook for an introduction to organic geometry. Quandt & Handel publisher, Leipzig 1868 ( digitized version )
  • Textbook of pianoforte construction. (together with Julius Blüthner), Voigt, Weimar 1872
  • Textbook of map projection. Includes instructions for drawing the nets for various types of land and sky maps. Voigt, Weimar 1873
  • Lexicon of Astronomy. The whole of celestial science, taking into account astronomical instruments, the calculation of time and the most outstanding astronomers. Bibliographical Institute, Leipzig 1882 ( digitized version )

Individual evidence

  1. a b Leipzig University Archives, personnel files, matriculation between 1825 and 1889, signature: Rector B 53
  2. Date of departure: March 16, 1855
  3. ^ University archive Leipzig, personal files, doctorates 1810–1969, signature: Phil. Fac. B 128 b
  4. Technical University of Bergakademie Freiberg, archive, Senate (until 1945)
  5. Bergakademische professor graves in Freiberg cemeteries . Freiberg, 2006. ISBN 978-3-86012-285-3 , p. 20


  • Heinrich Friedrich Gretschel. In: Mittheilungen des Freiberg Alterthumsverein. 28/1891, Reprint 2004, pp. 75-79
  • B. Flaxa: 100th anniversary of Heinrich Gretschel's death. In: Journal for friends and sponsors of the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg. 2/1992/93, issue 1, p. 46
  • Hartmut Schleiff, Roland Volkmer, Herbert Kaden : Catalogus Professorum Fribergensis: Professors and teachers at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg 1765 to 2015. Freiberg, 2015, ISBN 978-3-86012-492-5 , p. 70

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