Heinrich Möhlmann

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Heinrich Wilhelm Möhlmann (born April 4, 1925 in Südlengern ; † November 24, 2008 in Bielefeld ) was a German administrative officer, local historian and wood enthusiast.


Heinrich Möhlmann was born the son of a railway official on April 4, 1925 in Kirchlengern.

In 1941 he began an apprenticeship as an administrative apprentice in the Herford district office . After he had been drafted by the Wehrmacht in 1943 , he continued his work on August 1, 1945 after his return. In 1963 he was head of the main and personnel office and, as district administration director, head of Department I, where he “upheld the Prussian virtues.” He retired on September 30, 1987.

Between 1989 and 2001 he was a district home keeper and was appointed by the municipality of Hiddenhausen in 1990 as a site representative for monument preservation. He wrote numerous articles for the historical yearbooks of the Herford district , was responsible for nine editions of the Herford district and five history festivals. In addition, he helped found the municipal archives of the city and the Herford district.

Heinrich Möhlmann taught at the Study Institute for Local Administration in Bielefeld and worked as an honorary judge at the Detmold Social Court .

In 1990, together with Walter Gralki, Werner Siekmann and Günter Lücking, he began to collect old machines and tools for woodworking and thus set up the woodworking museum in Hiddenhausen.

On August 27, 1998, Heinrich Möhlmann received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hartmut Braun: The master of numbers says goodbye. Hans Stuller was responsible for the district finances for a quarter of a century . In: New Westphalian Herford . August 28, 2014, p. 16 ( online ).
  2. a b Thomas Dohna: Always only served. Heinrich Möhlmann died on Monday at the age of 83 . In: New Westphalian wages . November 27, 2008 ( online ).
  3. E. Möller: In memory of H. Möhlmann . In: Kreisheimatverein Herford (Ed.): HF Magazin . Local history contributions from the Herford district. No. 67 , December 18, 2008, p. 2 , col. 1 ( full text [PDF; 1.5 MB ; accessed on August 11, 2017]).
  4. Möhlmann again representative. He should watch over the monuments . In: New Westphalian Herford . April 14, 2005 ( online ).
  5. Greßhöner, Kristine: The Museum of Wood Crafts celebrates its 20th anniversary. In: New Westphalian Hiddenhausen. Newspaper publisher Neue Westfälische GmbH & Co. KG, May 18, 2017, accessed on August 11, 2017 .
  6. ↑ Woodcraft Museum. Carved from good wood. In: NRW Foundation - Projects. North Rhine-Westphalia Foundation - Nature Conservation, Homeland and Cultural Preservation, accessed on August 11, 2017 .