Heinrich Matzat

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Bernd Heinrich Matzat (born January 12, 1945 in Treptow an der Rega ) is a German mathematician.

Heinrich Matzat, Oberwolfach 2007

Matzat grew up in southern Germany and studied from 1964 at the University of Karlsruhe , where he obtained his doctorate under Heinrich-Wolfgang Leopoldt in 1972 ( On Weierstraßpunkte from Fermat bodies ) and qualified as a professor. Since 1986 he has been a professor at the University of Heidelberg at the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR).

Matzat dealt with the inverse Galois problem (constructing bodies for a given Galois group or making statements about those groups that come into question as Galois groups of body extensions). For example, in 1979 and 1983 he found number fields (as extensions imaginary-quadratic number fields over the rational numbers) with the math groups and (which belong to the sporadic simple finite groups ) as Galois groups. Previously, the Galois problem was dealt with mainly for solvable groups for number fields over the rational numbers by Arnold Scholz , Igor Schafarewitsch , Hans Reichardt and others. He also dealt with computer algebra, invariant theory, braid groups, Galois theory of differential algebras.

His doctoral students include Gunter Malle , professor at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern , and Gregor Kemper , professor at the Technical University of Munich .


  • with Gunter Malle: Inverse Galois Theory , Springer, 1999
  • On the inversion problem of Galois theory , Annual Report DMV Vol. 90, 1988, pp. 155-183
  • Constructive Galois theory , Lecture notes in Mathematics, Vol. 1284, Springer Verlag, 1987
  • Advances in Inverse Galois Theory in Matzat (editor): Algorithmic Algebra and Number Theory , Springer, 1999
  • Computational methods in constructive Galois Theory, Trends in Computer Algebra (Symposium Bad Neuenahr 1987), Springer, Lecture notes in Computer Science, Vol. 296, 1988, pp. 137–155
  • with Marius van der Put: Constructive Differential Galoistheory , in: Galois groups and fundamental groups , MSRI Publications Vol. 41, 2003, p. 425

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Matzat in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used