Heinrich Nicklisch

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Heinrich Karl Nicklisch (born July 19, 1876 in Tettau ; † April 28, 1946 in Berlin ) was a German professor in the early days of German business administration .


Nicklisch, born on a farm in Tettau in what is now southern Brandenburg , attended the teachers' seminar because as the youngest child he was unable to take over the father's farm. Along with Eugen Schmalenbach and Fritz Schmidt, he was one of the first students at the Leipzig University of Economics and Business, which was founded in 1898 and where he passed the exam for a business teacher. In 1903 he received his doctorate in Tübingen and then returned to practice. In 1910 he was appointed full professor of economics at the Mannheim University of Commerce , now the University of Mannheim . In 1921 he accepted a chair at the Handelshochschule Berlin , whose rector he became a year later. Nicklisch made himself available to the National Socialist regime very early on. He believed that the National Socialist program confirmed his ideas of the company community, entrepreneurial activity as a service to the community, and the value-based nature of science. "After the end of the war, Nicklisch lost his position because of his party membership." His grave is located in the south-west cemetery in Stahnsdorf .

He was a member of the RSC Corps Hermunduria Leipzig and Hansea Mannheim.


In 1920 Nicklisch created his most important work, the writing Der Weg aufwärts! Organization . From 1951, with the publication of Erich Gutenberg's Fundamentals of Business Administration - Production , Nicklisch's influence on business administration suddenly declined. Today one sees Nicklisch's merit in the attempt to develop a system design for business administration based on the principles of cooperation between people in the company. He wanted to move away from business administration as a profit theory to ethical-normative business administration.


  • Trade balance and economic balance. Economics Studies. Ochs, Magdeburg 1903 (Reprint Auvermann, Glashütten i. Ts. 1972).
  • Cartel operation. Poeschel, Leipzig 1909.
  • The development of commercial science at commercial colleges. Speech given at the opening of the winter semester 1911/12. Poeschel, Leipzig 1911.
  • The way up! Organization. Attempt to lay the foundation . Proeschel, Stuttgart 1920. (2nd, revised edition 1922).
  • The business administration. 7th edition, Stuttgart 1932 (Reprint Auvermann, Glashütten i. Ts. 1972).
  • New German business management. Proeschel, Stuttgart 1933.
  • Steering the economy. Proeschel, Stuttgart 1935.
  • The economic problems of war financing: prices and war finance needs [Problems of war financing. Lectures ... 1940]. In: World Economic Archive. 51 (1940), 3 pp. 553-569


On July 19, 2009, a bronze memorial plaque for Nicklisch was inaugurated in the presence of his grandchildren at the house where he was born in Tettau.


  • Otto Hummel (ed.): Heinrich Nicklisch and his work. A series of essays to mark the 60th birthday (July 19, 1936) . Poeschel, Stuttgart 1936 (Reprint: Keip, Frankfurt am Main 1991, ISBN 3-8051-0063-9 ).
  • Hayashima Akira: Heinrich Nicklisch and his fellow students in Leipzig 1898–1914. Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Nishinomiya, Japan 2002.
  • Curt Sandig: Heinrich Nicklisch. 100 years. His work and its significance today. In: Journal for Business Administration. Gabler Springer-Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 1976, Vol. 46, Issue 7, pp. 471-480.
  • Bernd Schauenberg: Market romanticism and community idealism. In: Schanz: Business Administration and Economics. Gabler, Wiesbaden 1984.
  • Dieter Schneider:  Nicklisch, Heinrich Karl. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 19, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-428-00200-8 , p. 199 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Udo Neugebauer: Business Ethics in Older German Business Administration: Heinrich Nicklisch, Wilhelm Kalveram, August Marx. In: Koslowski. Methodology of the Social Sciences, Etics and Economics in the Newer Historical School. Springer, Berlin 1997.
  • Marie-Luise Just: “A famous Tettauer” in “Heimatkalender-For the Altkreis Bad Liebenwerda, the Mückenberger Ländchen, Ortrand am Schraden and Uebigau-Falkenberg.” No. 58 . Ed .: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Heimatkunde e. V. Bad Liebenwerda. Gräser Verlag Großenhain OHG, 2010, ISBN 3-932913-08-6 , p. 289-3296 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lausitzer Rundschau from July 18, 2009
  2. ^ CORPS - das Magazin (Deutsche Corpszeitung), 110 year, issue 1/2008, p. 25
  3. Erwin Willmann (Ed.): Directory of the old Rudolstädter Corps students. (AH. List of the RSC.) , 1928 edition, No. 3368
  4. Domschke & Scholl: Fundamentals of Business Administration , Springer, 3rd edition, ISBN 3-540-85077-5 , page 19
  5. Tettauer remember Heinrich Nicklisch Article in the Lausitzer Rundschau of July 18, 2009  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.lr-online.de