Heinrich Petri

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Heinrich Petri (* 1508 in Basel ; † April 24, 1579 in Basel) was a Swiss printer and founder of the "Officina Henricpetrina" printing company.


One of Heinrich Petri's printer's marks
Mardochai Nathan: Concordantiarum Hebraicarum capita . Heinrich Petri, Basel 1556

Heinrich Petri was the youngest son of the Basel printer Adam Petri . From the winter semester of 1523/1524 he studied at the artist faculty in Wittenberg . When his father fell ill in the fall of 1527 and then died, he returned to Basel without a degree and took over the family business. His first print is dated March 1528 ( Sedulius Scotus : In omnes epistolas Pauli collectaneum. ) Petri married a former nun, Dorothea Hütschy, in the year of the Basel Reformation in 1529, and when she died of the plague, Barbara Brand, widow of 1564 Printer's Hieronymus Froben . As councilor, Heinrich Petri was a member of the colleges for church issues and for the university. In 1556 he was knighted by Emperor Charles V. From 1565 he began to call his company Officina Henricpetrina , and his sons and their descendants then adopted the family name Henricpetri. From 1569 on, the sons Sebastian and Sixtus Henricpetri worked in the office, Sebastian continued to run it after the death of his father.

Heinrich Petri produced around 500 prints. After his mother had married Sebastian Münster around 1529/1530 , he was able to publish the works of this scholar, who was primarily active as a Hebraist and cosmographer , among many others the whole Hebrew Old Testament , printed in parallel with a new translation, the Geographia of Ptolemaeus and the Cosmographia in ever increasing editions. This made him the most important printer of Hebrew books and geographical maps for his time. Other focal points were lexicons and the works of Gerolamo Cardano . The second edition of the main work by Copernicus should also be mentioned . As an illustrator he employed a. a. Conrad Schnitt and Hans Rudolf Manuel Deutsch.

The printer's mark Heinrich Petris shows in several variants a rock which is split from the clouds by a hammer (this means God's word) or from which flames are struck with this hammer.


  • Christoph Reske: The book printers of the 16th and 17th centuries in the German-speaking area . 2nd revised and expanded edition. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-447-10416-6 , pp. 74-76.
  • Frank Hieronymus: 1488 Petri Schwabe 1988 . 2 volumes. Schwabe, Basel 1997, ISBN 3-7965-1000-0 (on the biography, vol. 1, pp. E6-E28, for the prints, see in the register, vol. 2, p. 1803).

Web links

Commons : Heinrich Petri  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. digitized version .
  2. Illustration and text of the certificate from Frank Hieronymus: 1488 Petri Schwabe 1988 . Schwabe, Basel 1997, ISBN 3-7965-1000-0 , Volume 1, pp. E56-E58.
  3. Frank Hieronymus: 1488 Petri Schwabe 1988 . Schwabe, Basel 1997, ISBN 3-7965-1000-0 , Volume 1, pp. 476-483 No. 179.
  4. Four editions of these were published, 1540, 1542, 1545 and 1552 (digitized version ), about this Frank Hieronymus: 1488 Petri Schwabe 1988 . Schwabe, Basel 1997, ISBN 3-7965-1000-0 , Volume 1, pp. 512-545 No. 195-197.
  5. ^ Nicolaus Copernicus: De revolutionibus orbium coelestium . Officina Henricpetrina, Basel 1566. Digitized . About it Frank Hieronymus: 1488 Petri Schwabe 1988 . Schwabe, Basel 1997, ISBN 3-7965-1000-0 , Volume 2, pp. 1342-1345 No. 483a.
  6. Frank Hieronymus: 1488 Petri Schwabe 1988 . Schwabe, Basel 1997, ISBN 3-7965-1000-0 , Volume 1, pp. 318-320.