Heinrich Philipp Cappe

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Heinrich Philipp Cappe (year of birth unknown; † April 26, 1862 in Dresden ) was a German numismatist .


Heinrich Philipp Cappe was born as the son of a clergyman in southern Lower Saxony, but became a merchant (wool dealer) in Hanover, Hildesheim, 1843 in Berlin and finally in Dresden .

He began to be interested in coins "in later years" in 1833 with acquisitions from Ampach's Immanuel Christian Leberecht auction . The desire for relevant corpora prompted him, although a numismatic autodidact, to write a series of catalogs in quick succession from 1846 onwards, some of which were used as reference works until the 20th century, although a methodological inadequacy was criticized even in their time, the led to numerous misallocations and incorrect dating.

In 1852 he sold his collection of 870 coins from Islamic states, which he had bought from Otto August Rühle von Lilienstern .

Publications (selection)

  • The oldest coins in Bohemia, especially those of the first Christian dukes and kings from Boleslaw I to Wenzel II. In: Mittheilungen der Numismatic Gesellschaft in Berlin. Issue 1, 1846, pp. 29-74 .
  • The coins of the German emperors and kings of the Middle Ages. 3 volumes. Self-published, Dresden 1848–1857;
    • Section 1: Containing the two-sided coins. 1848, ( digitized version );
    • Section 2: Containing the hollow coins and an addendum to the first section. 1850, ( digitized version );
    • Section 3: Containing addendum to the first and second sections. 1857, ( digitized version ).
  • The medieval coins from Münster, Osnabrück, Paderborn, Corvei and Hervord. Self-published, Dresden 1850, ( digitized ).
  • The coins of the dukes of Bavaria, the burgraves of Regensburg and the bishops of Augsburg from the tenth and eleventh centuries. Self-published, Dresden 1850, ( digitized ).
  • Description of the coins of the former Imperial Free Secular Monastery of Quedlinburg. Self-published, Dresden 1851, ( digitized . In addition: Pastor Leitzmann : The older coins of the Quedlinburg Abbey with reference to their description by H. Ph. Cappe. Dresden 1851. 8. In: Zeitschrift des Harz-Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde . Jg. 5, 1872, pp. 165-194 ).
  • Description of the Cologne coins of the Middle Ages. Self-published, Dresden 1853, ( digitized version ).
  • The coins of the city and the diocese of Hildesheim. Self-published, Dresden 1855, ( digitized ).
  • Description of the Mainz coins of the Middle Ages. Self-published, Dresden 1856, ( digitized version ).
  • Description of the coins from Goslar. Self-published, Dresden 1860, ( digitized version ).


  • Bernhard von Koehne : [Obituary Heinrich Philipp Cappe]. In: Berlin sheets for coin, seal and heraldry. Vol. 1, 1863, pp. 216-217 ( digitized version ).


  1. ^ Bernhard von Koehne : [Obituary Heinrich Philipp Cappe]. In: Berlin sheets for coin, seal and heraldry. Vol. 1, 1863, pp. 216-217 .
  2. Tobias Mayer: Sylloge of the coins of the Caucasus and Eastern Europe in the Oriental Münzkabinett Jena (= Oriental Münzkabinett Jena. 1). With contributions by Stefan Heidemann and Gert Rispling. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2005, ISBN 3-447-04893-X , S. XX, ( limited preview in the Google book search).

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