Heinrich Siegmund Oswald

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Heinrich Siegmund Oswald (born July 19, 1751 in Schmiedeberg , † September 8, 1834 in Breslau ) was a Prussian official and poet of sacred songs.


Oswald was an accountant in Breslau. He married a daughter of the later senior consistory councilor in Berlin Hermann Daniel Hermes . In 1791 Oswald was called to Berlin and became a reader for King Friedrich Wilhelm II. After the king's death in 1797, he returned to Breslau, where he stayed until the end of his life.

Oswald composed numerous sacred songs and published them in various collections between 1790 and 1820.


  • Small writings in letters, for the promotion of Christian knowledge, faith and true divine bliss , Potsdam 1795


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Individual evidence

  1. according to Eduard Emil Koch on June 30, 1751 in Nimmersatt