Heinrich Silbergleit

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Heinrich Silbergleit (born July 2, 1858 in Gleiwitz , † March 15, 1939 in Berlin ) was a German statistician .


His parents were Moritz Silbergleit and Antonie geb. Poppelauer. Heinrich Silbergleit was born in 1892 with Margareta. Senator married.

Silbergleit studied mathematics and political science in Breslau , Leipzig and Berlin. He did his doctorate in Giessen . In 1886 Silbergleit became a laborer at the Statistical Office in Berlin. In 1890 Silbergleit rose to director of the Statistical Office in Magdeburg and worked there until 1903. After that he was director of the Statistical Office in Schöneberg for three years and finally from 1906 to 1923 director of the Statistical Office in Berlin.

Heinrich Silberglei's grave in the Schönhauser Allee cemetery , Berlin


Since 1899 he was a member of the International Statistical Institute. From 1905 to 1919 Silbergleit was a member of the main committee of the German Association for Poor Care and Charity .


  • Population and occupational conditions of Jews in Prussia , 1930
