Heinrich Unverhau

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Heinrich Unverhau (born May 26, 1911 in Vienenburg ; † in the 20th or 21st century) was SS-Unterscharführer and was involved in " Aktion T4 " and " Aktion Reinhardt ".


After attending elementary school, he began an apprenticeship as a plumber, which he had to give up due to an accident at work in which his right eye went blind. In Königslutter he completed a four-year music education and performed in 1930 in a band of steel helmet , which in the 1933 SA rose. In the early 1930s he was temporarily unemployed. Later he completed a nursing training in the Provincial Sanatorium and Nursing Institution Teupitz . After completing this training, Unverhau worked in the Neu-Ruppin institution from 1938 . He married in 1938 and had two children. The Nazi Party , he joined the 1937th

His service obligation for " Aktion T4 " took place in January 1940. Unverhau was employed as a nurse and transport attendant in the Grafeneck and Hadamar euthanasia centers. His tasks there included giving sedative injections and accompanying victims to the gas chamber . After the official end of the euthanasia, Unverhau took over from the end of 1941 to March 1942 for the Organization Todt Transports of Wounded on the Eastern Front .

He was then used in the Belzec extermination camp from June 1942 . After contracting typhus , he was taken to a hospital in Tomaszów under strict guard , as it was feared that he might reveal internal information from Belzec due to a fever . During this stay in the hospital, he lost his right eye and returned to Belzec after his recovery in March 1943. At this point the camp was liquidated and the exhumed corpses were burned on stakes. In June 1943 he was transferred to the Sobibor extermination camp . There he supervised the undressing of the Jewish victims, was employed in the so-called “forest command” (camouflage name of the camp) and also with the sorting barracks. He survived the prisoner uprising in Sobibor on October 14, 1943 and, after the dissolution of the Sobibor extermination camp in December 1943, was used for a short time in the greening of the former grounds of the Belzec extermination camp for camouflage purposes and the construction of a farm there.

Thereafter, it was in the operational zone Adriatisches Küstenland for special department use R to Trieste added that the "extermination", the confiscated Jewish property and the antipartisan served.

Unverhau left the T4 organization in April 1944 and served in the Wehrmacht from July 1944 . Before the end of the war he was taken prisoner of war in April 1945 , from which he was released to Fellstadt in September 1945 . He then worked as a musician again until he was arrested in Grafeneck and Hadamar in mid-March 1949 for participating in the T4 campaign. Unverhau was released from custody in the summer of 1950 without a conviction. From 1952 he worked again as a nurse in the city hospital of Königslutter.

In the Belzec trial , Unverhau was charged with aiding and abetting community murder in 360,000 cases and was put out of court on January 30, 1964 due to a lack of orders . In the Sobibor trial , Unverhau was charged with aiding and abetting community murder in 72,000 cases, and on January 15, 1965, due to a lack of orders, he was again put out of court. Unverhau testified voluntarily about his participation in the "Aktion Reinhardt". Nothing is known about his further life.


  • Information material from Bildungswerk Stanislaw Hantz eV: Belzec , Reader - based on a previously unpublished manuscript by the historian and director of the Belzec memorial, Robert Kuwalek

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