Heinrich Wilckens

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Heinrich Wilckens (born February 15, 1892 in Ritscherschleuse ; † September 30, 1956 in Uetersen ) was a German politician ( SPD ).


Heinrich Wilckens attended elementary school. Wilckens completed an apprenticeship as a shoemaker and then went on a journey as a journeyman . In 1909 he became a member of the SPD. In 1910 he joined the Central Association of Shoemakers, to which he belonged until 1933. From 1911 he lived in Schleswig-Holstein and was a city ​​councilor in Uetersen from 1922 to 1933 . During the Nazi era he was arrested several times, the first time on May 2, 1933. From July 3, 1939 to June 27, 1939, he was imprisoned in the Glückstadt concentration camp . By the end of the Second World War , 21 house searches had been carried out; After the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944 , he was imprisoned in the Neuengamme concentration camp as part of the thunderstorm (August 22, 1944 to September 19, 1944). In December 1945 Wilckens became mayor of Uetersen. From 1946 he was also a member of the district council of the Pinneberg district .

In 1946 he became a member of the district council. On July 9, 1950, he was elected to the Landtag of Schleswig-Holstein in the Pinneberg-West constituency; in the 1954 election he received the direct mandate in the constituency of Elmshorn. He has served on several committees including the Petitions Committee, the Transportation Committee, and the Committee on Displaced Persons . From 1951 to 1954 he was a member of the "Landtag President Ratz " committee of inquiry . From 1954 to 1956 he was also a member of the state election committee.

Wilckens died on September 30, 1956 in a traffic accident while on a business trip in Uetersen; for him, Hermann Meyn moved up to the state parliament via the SPD state list .

Wilckens was with Anna Wilckens, geb. Krohn married and had two daughters (Grete and Alice) and two sons Karl and Henry († May 30, 1942 in Russia). He was buried in the New Cemetery in Uetersen.


Heinrich Wilckens settlement in Uetersen.


  • Yannic Krass: Wilckens, Heinrich . In: The Uetersen Lexicon . Schmidt & Klaunig, Kiel 2012 ISBN 978-388312-421-6 , pp. 171-173

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Bringmann / Herbert Diercks : Freedom lives! Röderberg, Frankfurt a. M. 1983, p. 113
  2. ^ Yannic Krass, p. 172.
  3. Uetersenen Nachrichten October 1, 1956, quoted from Yannic Krass, p. 171.