Heinrich Zeise (manufacturer)

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Heinrich Zeise (born December 26, 1793 in Kellinghusen , † September 18, 1863 in Altona ) was a German pharmacist, technician and manufacturer.

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Heinrich Zeise was a member of the Zeise family . His father Carl Friedrich Zeise (born March 6, 1760 in Altona, † 1813 in Wandsbek ) worked as a pharmacist in Kellinghusen . He was a son of Pastor Heinrich Zeise . Zeise's mother Christiana Georgina Henriette , née Claar, (born March 26, 1763 in Rendsburg; † January 30, 1836 in Altona) was a daughter of the Rendsburg pharmacist and manufacturer Christian Friedrich Gottlob Claar and his wife Salome Charlotte, née Roloff.

Zeise initially received private lessons in his parents' house. Then he went to the school of the rector Christian Detlev Dose (1775-1860) in Segeberg . The lessons there did not meet his parents' expectations. Therefore, a little later he switched to a school in Heide. In 1809 he moved to his uncle Peter Theodor Zeise (1757-1812) in Altona, where he worked as a businessman. By 1812 he completed an apprenticeship with Johann Gottfried Schmeisser , who owned the Löwen pharmacy. Schmeisser aroused Zeise's interest in questions and experiments on chemistry and physics.

After completing his apprenticeship, Zeise worked as an assistant in Schmeisser's Löwen pharmacy. He then studied pharmacy in Copenhagen from 1813 and helped Hans Christian Ørsted and Jens Wilken Hornemann with their colleges. On April 15, 1815, he passed the chemical-pharmaceutical exam with distinction. He then worked as a pharmacist in Berlin until 1816 . Then he went to Hamburg . In 1818 he bought the Elephant Pharmacy in Altona from Friedrich Christian Fromm.

Zeise was particularly concerned with using water vapor profitably. He had a laboratory in which he set up an apparatus for cooking steam. This device quickly spread to many pharmacies. In 1822/23 he had the city's first medical bathing establishment built on his property in Altona. In 1826 he expanded the facility. It later consisted of a Russian oven steam bath and bathing facilities for sea salt, steel, herbal, sulfur and box steam. He used his entire house to experiment with steam heaters and steam cookers.

In the winter of 1829/30, which was severe, Zeise co-founded the dining establishment for the poor and needy in Altona. In 1830 he took over the chairmanship of the institution. Zeise invented steam boilers, which he constantly optimized. With the kettles, wholesome meals could be prepared from cheap foods and sold cheaply.

From the late 1830s onwards, Zeise produced pharmaceutical products for wholesalers. He continuously expanded this business and parted ways with his pharmacy in 1844. Instead, he set up a factory that produced essential oils and had a pulverization facility. In addition, Zeise invented a mobile field kitchen that was used by the Schleswig-Holsteiners during the Schleswig-Holstein survey . Since the device proved to be suitable, it was quickly spread to other armies.

Zeise wrote repeatedly about the technical application of water vapor. In addition, he dealt intensively with aviation and often gave lectures on scientific and technical topics. On November 4, 1849, a free balloon flight over Holstein took place, during which aerodynamic measurements were to be made. Zeise took it on and wrote about it in 1850 in "The Aeronautics Before and Now". This includes considerations for a trip to America by airship, where the vehicle has surprisingly modern equipment.

From 1848 to 1853 Zeise was active as a city councilor in Altona. He tried to introduce gas lighting here and to optimize the situation of the city hospitals. He headed the Altona Citizens' Association for several years, became chairman of the Sunday School in 1838 and took over the management of the Sparkasse from 1846 to 1848. In 1837 he founded a scientific association. For this reason he was made an honorary member of several scientific societies.


Heinrich Zeise married Juliane ( Julie ) Cordts on January 2, 1819 in Altona (* July 5, 1798 ibid). Her parents were Johann Diederich Cordts and Anna Catharina, née Schmidt. From this Zeise marriage came two daughters and three sons, including the poet Heinrich Zeise . Julie Zeise died on December 3, 1843 in Altona.

Many years later Zeise married Louise Josephine Jeanette Schmeisser on June 15, 1859 (born February 20, 1804 in Altona; † November 29, 1884 there). Her father Johann Gottfried Schmeisser (1767–1837) was a chemist, scientist and temporarily owner of a pharmacy in Altona. Her mother was Louise Janette, née. Texier (1781-1815).


  •  Fritz Treichel: Zeise, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Volume 8. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1987, pp. 395-397.
  • Carl Oppenheimer:  Zeise, Heinrich . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 45, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1900, p. 3.

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Wikisource: Heinrich Zeise  - Sources and full texts