Heinrich von Schüttenhofen

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Heinrich von Schüttenhofen OCist (* in Schüttenhofen ) was a biblical scholar in the vicinity of the Heiligenkreuz Abbey in the second half of the 13th century .


There are scant records of life data. He probably entered Heiligenkreuz or Goldenkron . It is also possible that the native Bohemian came to Heiligenkreuz near Vienna through the escape of the Goldenkron convent in 1278.

15 manuscripts from his Liber de naturis animalium cum moralitatibus , which gives a symbolic interpretation of 266 animals, have survived. In addition, other scientific writings have also been preserved. Heinrich's writings are a mixture of biological and moral theological descriptions that is rare for today's standards. A critical edition is being prepared.


  • Christian Hünemörder : The Cistercian Heinrich von Schüttenhofen "Moralitates de naturis animalium" . Observations on his use of sources and on the early reception history of Bartholomäus Anglicus and Thomas III. In: J. Domes, WE Gerabek , BD Haage et al. (Ed.) Light of nature . Medicine in specialist literature and poetry (Festschrift for Gundolf Keil on his 60th birthday) (Göppinger papers on German studies 585), Göppingen 1994, pp. 195–224.
  • Baudouin Van den Abeele: Bestiaires encyclopédiques moralisés . Quelques succédanés de Thomas de Cantimpré et de Barthélemy l'Anglais. In: Reinardus [Amsterdam] 7 (1994), pp. 209-228.
  • Walter Zechmeister:  Heinrich von Schüttenhofen. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 19, Bautz, Nordhausen 2001, ISBN 3-88309-089-1 , Sp. 649-651.

Individual evidence

  1. B. van den Abbele: animal symbolism , in: Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages , Munich 1997, 785-787. Walter Zechmeister is working on a critical text edition (cf. information at mediaevum.de ).