Heinz-Ulrich Beuther

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Heinz-Ulrich Beuther (born March 4, 1923 in Schroda near Posen, † July 14, 1990 in Adendorf) was an officer in the Air Force.

After graduating from high school in March 1941, Heinz-Ulrich Beuther joined the Air Force as a flag junior in December and was trained as a pilot. He was used as a target finder and lighting technician in Group II of Kampfgeschwader 4 (II./ KG 4 ).

After the war he studied veterinary medicine in Gießen and Hanover, passed the state examination in 1951 and was awarded a Dr. med. vet. PhD. From 1952 he was a practicing veterinarian in Bremke near Göttingen. In 1957 he handed the practice over to his father, who had fled the GDR.

He joined the newly founded Air Force and began training as a transport aircraft operator. In Memmingen, after 16 training flights, he completed his first solo flight on August 6, 1957, continued his training in Landsberg on Douglas DC-3 / C-47 and switched to the North Noratlas . In 1959 he became a squadron captain of the 1st squadron of Air Transport Wing 61 . During the Bundeswehr's first foreign deployment, after the Agadir earthquake in 1960 , Beuther and his Nora arrived too early. From the Neubiberg air base , he made overseas flights to France and Spain, then to North Africa, Italy and England. He later also flew the Transall C-160 . His flight log shows over 1900 flights.

From February 1970 to September 1971 he was commodore of Lufttransportgeschwader 62 at Ahlhorn airfield and from March 1971 to April 1979 commodore of Lufttransportgeschwader 63 . For the use of his transport aircraft in the fight against the famine in Ethiopia , he was awarded the medal "The Order of Star of Honor of Ethiopia Commanderclass" by Emperor Haile Selassie on December 10, 1973 . Around 1979 he was brigadier general and deputy chief of the Air Force Office. From March 1979 to September 1980 he was commander of the air transport command. In 1983 he retired.


  • Dermot Bradley, Heinz-Peter Würzenthal, Hansgeorg Model: The Generals and Admirals of the Bundeswehr 1955–1999: the military careers ; P. 152
  • Clemens Range: The tolerated army: 50 years of the Bundeswehr ; P. 269
  • Handbook of the Bundeswehr and the Defense Industry ; P. 20
  • Geddert: Veterinary address book for the German Federal Republic and West Berlin ; 1961

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.sanitaetsdienst-bundeswehr.de/portal/a/sanitaetsdienst/!ut/p/c4/NYvBCsIwEAX_KJuoh-JNEUGEehFqvaXpki60m5JsFMSPNzn4BuYyPHhCge2LvBUKbGd4QO9oP7zVJ1lWGQeMmZPymNxEbhKErn5GVC4wSrUgCxX7aCVEtYYocy05xlIUjdBrczrqRv9nvs12c713O2Mu7fkG67IcfocPmjs!/
  2. Flying Log Book, for Dr. Heinz-Ulrich Beuther, opened 2-4-1957 at the time of the reformation of the Luftwaffe, training commences at Memmingen
  3. http://www.argus.bstu.bundesarchiv.de/BL24-33752/index.htm?kid=1a4bab33-20d0-4466-b273-9f0b8af2f5de
  4. http://www.luftwaffe.de/resource/resource/MzEzNTM4MmUzMzMyMmUzMTM1MzMyZTM2MzEzMDMwMzAzMDMwMzAzMDY3NzM3Mzc2MzEzNDM0MzgyMDIwMjAy20_Lpdf
  5. http://www.luftwaffe.de/portal/a/luftwaffe/!ut/p/c4/NYoxD4IwEEb_0V0ZxOimGKOLhMEobmdp4GJpyeWAxR9vO_i95C3vwxcmAi3ck3IM5PGJreX9ewW_An10hkB2ABI78IKPfO8c2BicZqsLysm9kEaBKYr6XGaRVIA7bE1xOprS_Fd8y_ulqprtZne9nWucxvHwA4RHGT0!/