Heinz-Wolfram Mascher

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Heinz-Wolfram Mascher (born December 2, 1927 in Koblenz am Rhein , † April 1, 1993 in Berlin ) was a German lawyer , a functionary of the Free German Youth and a member of the People's Chamber of the GDR.

Live and act

The son of a pastor attended elementary and high school and graduated from high school . Initially an air force helper from 1943 , he was later drafted into the Reich Labor Service and in 1945 as a seaman in the Navy . After his release from British captivity in December 1945, he went to the former Soviet occupation zone in Lindenberg (Pritzwalk district) where his father had been pastor since 1932. In March 1946 he founded the anti-fascist youth committee there and on May 3, 1946 transferred the group to the Free German Youth (FDJ). He was a member of the district committee of the FDJ and a delegate of the FDJ parliaments in Brandenburg and Meißen. On June 28, 1946 he became a member of the CDU . Since 1948 he was a member of the board of the CDU in Kyritz and led the work of the CDU in the Ostprignitz district association. From 1946 he worked as an electrician and at the same time attended high school in Kyritz, where he graduated from high school in 1948. In the same year Mascher applied to the Free University of Berlin , but was not admitted. In autumn 1949 he was enrolled at the Humboldt University in Berlin and studied law until he graduated with the state examination in 1955. At the beginning of his studies he became a member of the student council, the FDJ university group and from 1949 to 1959 the central council of the FDJ. From 1950 to 1959 he was also a member of the Central Council office. He also directed the work of the CDU university group.

From 1950 he was a member of the People's Chamber of the GDR and from 1955 a member of the Berlin District Board and the main board of the CDU. The Central Council of the FDJ was happy to use Mascher as a discussion partner for Christian circles and as a contact person for church youth functionaries in the FRG and also took part in church events in the FRG. After completing his studies, he worked as a judge at the Berlin Court of Appeal.

During the disputes over the young community and the student community in 1952/1953, his behavior was ambivalent. On the one hand, he wanted to win progressive church leaderships and clergy in order to limit the activities of the young community as competition to the FDJ. At the same time he wanted to split the church youth by exposing the “reactionaries”, but integrating the “progressives” into the CDU, the FDJ and the Christian working groups for peace. On the other hand, he rejected an “ongoing pinprick policy”, since this would not intensify the division but rather the cohesion among the reactionaries. He also used his opportunities as a member of the People's Chamber to prevent attacks on members of the young community and to enable pastors' children to study.

1961 took Mascher, together u. a. attended the world conference against the atomic bomb with Ernst von Salomon in Tokyo. He returned from this trip after the Wall was built on August 13, 1961. His wife at the time was staying with their mother in West Berlin with their child . He managed to cross the border illegally. During this stay in West Berlin, he met Heinz Lippmann (from 1951 to 1953 he was deputy to the then FDJ chairman Honecker, then fled to West Berlin). On August 26, 1961, after his return to the GDR, Mascher was arrested on charges of being an agent for Lippmann's resident for the protection of the constitution. In 1963 he was sentenced to several years in prison. After his release in 1966 he worked as a legal counsel for consumption and became a member of the SED .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ ND of April 14, 1993 p. 8
  2. Otto Fischer: Evangelical Pastor's Book for the Mark Brandenburg. Verlag ES Mittler & Co. Berlin 1941. Volume 2, p. 536.
  3. ^ Members and successor candidates of the main board of the Christian Democratic Union elected by the 10th party congress in 1960. Short biography Mascher p. 42.
  4. ^ Socialist Unity Party of Germany Party organization of the Humboldt University Berlin: Brief biography and assessment of Heinz-Wolfram Mascher from July 10, 1954, Foundation Archive of the Parties and Mass Organizations of the GDR in the Federal Archives (SAPMO) DY 30 / IV2 / 15/28.
  5. Michael Herms: Heinz Lippmann. Portrait of a deputy. Dietz Verlag Berlin 1996, p. 126 and 234. ISBN 3-320-01869-8
  6. Richard Jaeger . In: Der Spiegel . No. 35 , 1958 ( online - Aug. 27, 1958 ).
  7. ^ Hermann Wentker: From Cooperation to Conflict: The Relationship of the Eastern CDU to the Young Community 1950–1953. In: Michael Richter / Martin Rißmann (eds.): Die Ost-CDU. Contributions to their creation and development (= writings of the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarian Research. Volume 2). Böhlau Verlag Weimar-Cologne-Vienna 1995, p. 97. ISBN 3-412-07895-6
  8. ^ Joachim Petzold: Protesting youth. Beltz Juventa, 2002, ISBN 9783779911326 . on Google Books
  9. http://www.hof.uni-halle.de/journal/hefte/Volltexte/2000_3u4.pdf
  10. Ernst von Salomon: The chain of a thousand cranes. Ullstein-Verlag Frankfurt / M.-Berlin 1991, ISBN 3-548-22642-6 . In this book, Salomon reports extensively on Mascher.
  11. ^ Joachim Petzold: Protestierende Jugend Beltz Juventa, 2002, ISBN 9783779911326 on Google Books
  12. Michael Herms: Heinz Lippmann. Portrait of a deputy. Dietz Verlag Berlin 1996, p. 235. ISBN 3-320-01869-8
  13. Michael Herms: Heinz Lippmann. Portrait of a deputy. Dietz Verlag Berlin 1996, p. 235. ISBN 3-320-01869-8
  14. ^ New Germany , October 6, 1955, p. 3