Heinz Dieter Schmid

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Heinz Dieter Schmid (* 1921 , † 28. December 2009 ) was a history teacher at the high school List Reutlingen , Trade Director of History at the seminar for student teachers in Tübingen and lecturer on history teaching at the University of Tuebingen .


With his "draft of a history didactics for the intermediate level" in the journal History in Science and Teaching , he announced a new understanding of history teaching in grammar school in 1970 : away from strongly narrative, teacher-centered history lessons to independent, research-based and student-centered lessons.

From 1974 onwards, with the help of many employees, he put the concept into practice by developing a completely new history textbook " Questions to History " in four volumes. The work was initially published by Hirschgraben-Verlag Frankfurt a. M., later at Cornelsen Verlag in Berlin. The work was instrumental in the traineeship training for decades, but was less popular in teaching practice. It no longer contained a continuous narrative, but only consisted of materials for a work class . Because this was seen by some teachers as too much , the authors included overview texts in volumes 3 and 4.

The four-volume student edition is out of print, but the last volume has been edited and re-edited by Cornelsen under the title " Questions to history : The 20th century".

Joachim Rohlfes wrote about Schmid: "He was one of the first to apply the findings of cognitive learning theory to history lessons and to prove that the program of consistent work lessons in history can be practiced without compromises. Schmid's core didactic idea is that quality and the fertility of historical knowledge grows to the extent that it emerges from one's own self-determined endeavor to gain knowledge. "


  • On storytelling in history lessons at lower secondary level, in: S. Quandt / H. Süssmuth (ed.), Historical storytelling. Göttingen 1982.
  • Draft of a history didactics for the intermediate level, in: GWU 21 (1970) 340-363.
  • Procedures in history lessons, in: J. Rohlfes / KE Jeismann (Ed.), History lessons. Content and goals. Stuttgart 1974.


  • History - thinking and working subject , published by Eberhard Wilms , Hirschgraben-Verlag Frankfurt a. M. 1986
  • Eberhard Wilms: Democratic renewal of history lessons in Germany: Heinz Dieter Schmid on his 80th birthday . In: Information for the history and social studies teacher. H. 62/2001, p. 85 ff.

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  1. J. Rohlfes, History and Their Didactics, 3rd edition, Göttingen 2005, p. 180.