Heinz Losse

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Heinz Losse (born June 5, 1920 in Cosel , Upper Silesia; † June 3, 2003 in Münster , Westphalia) was a German internist and university professor.


Born in 1920 in Upper Silesia, Heinz Losse studied medicine at the universities of Breslau , Berlin and Frankfurt am Main after attending school and graduating from high school in Cosel . In 1948 he passed the state examination and received his doctorate with a thesis on the consequences of malnutrition and malnutrition. med. Until 1954 he worked at the University Clinic in Frankfurt with Franz Volhard , then at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), where he qualified as a professor for internal medicine in 1955. After studying at Harvard University in Boston / USA, Losse worked as a senior physician at the Medical University Clinic in Münster . In 1961 he was appointed adjunct professor and in 1965 he was appointed to a chair for medical polyclinic and director of the newly founded medical polyclinic at the University of Münster - a position he held until his retirement in 1987.

Losses main areas of work were kidney disease and circulatory disease. At an early stage he campaigned for the expansion of home dialysis and kidney transplants . In 1976, on his initiative, the Academy for Medical Training of the Westphalia-Lippe Medical Association was founded.


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