Heinz Szkibik

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Heinz Szkibik (born November 10, 1920 in Altenburg ; † March 21, 2000 in Berlin ) was a German legal scholar . The focus of his academic work was the penal system .


Heinz Szkibik was born as the son of the carpenter Paul Szkibik and his wife Rosa Szkibik, née Hildebrandt, in Altenburg / Thuringia. After attending primary school, four years of secondary school and one year of business school, he learned the trade of a wholesale merchant. From 1939 to 1945 he was a member of the Wehrmacht . After his return from captivity , he found a job in the state apparatus. He was an employee and later head of the price department at the City Council of Altenburg. From 1949 to 1950 he completed a one-year course at the German Administrative Academy "Walter Ulbricht" in the field of finance.

In 1950 the family moved to Berlin and he switched to the Ministry of the Interior (MdI) of the GDR . After a short time he was employed in the penal system. At the same time, he completed a law degree as a distance student. He completed his state law examination in February 1958 with the grade “good”.

In 1959/60 he was head of a correctional facility . In 1960, Heinz Szkibik left the MdI and began working as a research assistant for the penal system at the Institute for Criminal Law at the Law Faculty of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in Halle. During this time he gave lectures at the universities of Halle, Jena and Leipzig. He was chairman of the penal system research group .

In 1966, Heinz Szkibik received his doctorate with magna cum laude on the subject of "Basic questions of the execution of custodial sentences in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) with special consideration of the role of work and its design in the education of adult prisoners". From 1967 to 1969 he worked as a research assistant at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig . In September 1969 he moved to the Humboldt University in Berlin . In the same year he received the teaching qualification (Facultas Docendi) there. With effect from June 1, 1970, he was appointed by the GDR Minister for Higher Education and Technical Education as a university lecturer for penal law at the Humboldt University in Berlin. After a long life for the penal science, he was in September 1986 emeritus .

Heinz Szkibik died on March 21, 2000 after a long and serious illness with his family.

Scientific orientation

Heinz Szkibik saw his work in teaching and research in accordance with the fundamental thoughts and experiences of Albert Krebs . He was convinced that for the development and further shaping of the socialist society in the GDR, not only the upbringing of people who had committed criminal offenses through work, but also the reintegration process following the execution of a prison sentence is a task for society as a whole.


He bequeathed his private library, which contains writings on the penal system and (criminal) law from the German Democratic Republic, including diploma theses that he supervised during his time as a university professor, to the Albert Krebs library in Wiesbaden, run by the support group for penal research und Straffälligenhilfe eV is maintained. The estate can be researched via the online catalog of the support group.


  • Basic questions of the implementation of the prison sentence in the German Democratic Republic with special consideration of the role of work and its structure in the education of adult prisoners. Univ. Halle, 1966, DNB 481399410 .
  • Socialist prison system. State Publishing House of the GDR, 1969, DNB 576615471 .
  • Collective of authors: The duties and rights of prisoners in the socialist penal system of the German Democratic Republic. Ministry of the Interior, Berlin 1974, DNB 369285093 .
  • Collective of authors: Special features of the penitentiary system for young people. Ministry of the Interior, 1982.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. (1897–1992), head of the Hessian penal system (1945–1965); He was heavily involved in the reform of the German penal system throughout his life
  2. ^ Albert Krebs Library
  3. ↑ Support group for prison research and criminal assistance eV
  4. Online catalog of the support group