Helene Tursten

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Helene Tursten

Helene Tursten (born February 17, 1954 in Gothenburg ) is a Swedish writer.


Helene Tursten was born in Gothenburg in 1954. A rheumatic illness forced Helene Tursten to give up her job as a dentist at the age of 39. Tursten has been writing detective novels since 1993 . She lives in Sunne / Värmland ; her husband is a former police officer.

Tursten created the character of the inspector Irene Huss, who is investigating in Gothenburg . The protagonist is around 40, the mother of two pubescent girls and is happily married to Krister. She investigates professionally in murder cases and at the same time tries to regulate her family life optimally.


  • “I didn't mean to write about a whiskey-drinking loner. I really don't like it when female heroes in crime novels behave just like their male predecessors - drinking, cursing ... "(Helene Tursten)


The Irene Huss series

  • 1998 Den krossade tanghästen ( The November murderer , German by Christel Hildebrandt, btb 2000; ISBN 3-442-72554-2 )
  • 1999 Nattrond ( The second murder by Holger Wolandt, btb Verlag 2001, ISBN 3-442-72624-7 )
  • 2000 Tatuerad torso ( The tattoo , German by Holger Wolandt, btb 2002; ISBN 3-442-75065-2 )
  • 2000 Glasdjävulen ( death in the rectory , German by Holger Wolandt, Goldmann 2004, ISBN 3-442-73233-6 )
  • 2002 Guldkalven ( The first suspicion , German by Lotta Rüegger and Holger Wolandt, btb 2005, ISBN 3-442-75135-7 )
  • 2004 Kvinnan i Hissen ( The woman in the elevator , German by Holger Wolandt, btb 2004, ISBN 3-442-73257-3 )
  • 2005 Eldsdansen ( fire dance , German by Lotta Rüegger and Holger Wolandt, btb 2006, ISBN 3-442-75162-4 )
  • 2006 En man med litet anskten ( Die Tote im Keller , German by Lotta Rüegger and Holger Wolandt; btb 2007; ISBN 3-442-75200-0 )
  • 2009 Det lömska nätet ( Das Brandhaus , German by Lotta Rüegger and Holger Wolandt; btb 2009; ISBN 3-442-75226-4 )
  • 2010 Den som vakar i mörkret ( Who wakes up in the dark , German by Lotta Rüegger and Holger Wolandt; btb 2010; ISBN 978-3-442-75279-9 )
  • 2012 I sykdd skuggorna ( In the protection of the shadows , German by Lotta Rüegger and Holger Wolandt; btb 2012; ISBN 978-3-442-75348-2 )
  • Mittwintermord (an Irene Huss story, German by Lotta Rüegger, in: Elche im Schnee. The most beautiful winter stories from Sweden from Mankell to Edwardson , Piper 2004; ISBN 3-492-24235-9 )


  • 2003 Kvinnan i hissen och andra mystiska historier ( The woman in the elevator , ten uncanny stories, German by Holger Wolandt, Goldmann 2004, ISBN 3-442-73257-3 )
  • The old song (story, German by Holger Wolandt, in: Mittsommernachtsliebe. The most beautiful erotic stories from Scandinavia , Piper 2006, ISBN 3-492-24720-2 )


So far ten of the Irene Huss thrillers have been filmed as part of the series Irene Huss, Kripo Göteborg . The Swedish actress Angela Kovács , who is also known from the new Wallander films in the ARD series, plays the leading role. More films are to follow. In Sweden, the films ran between August 2007 and February 2008; in Germany from July 12 to August 15, 2009 and from April 8 to May 25, 2012 on ARD.


The November killer

The richest man in Gothenburg, Richard von Knecht, fell to his death on a rainy November day from his balcony, right at the feet of his son Henrik von Knecht and his wife. Accident or murder? Inspector Irene Huss is investigating.

The second murder

When the power went out on an icy February night at the Löwanderska private hospital in Gothenburg and the ventilator alarm rang through the corridors, Dr. Löwander in the intensive care unit. In vain. The patient can no longer be saved. The nurse who was supposed to keep watch over him is murdered on the generator. Another sister has disappeared without a trace. When Inspector Irene Huss appears at the scene with her colleagues, the only witness stubbornly claims to have seen Sister Thekla in the hallway. But that is impossible because Sister Thekla hanged herself in the hospital attic 50 years ago.

The tattoo (novel)

One morning in May, a cruelly battered male body was found on the fjord in Gothenburg. Who is the dead The police have been groping in the dark for a long time, and when the fog clears, it's almost too late.

Death in the rectory

Three bodies are puzzling to the police - a priest and his wife were shot in their sleep, their son is dead in the summer house. Are you dealing with a family tragedy? Are the perpetrators to be found in church circles? The research leads Irene Huss to England - to an abyss of confused love and misunderstood solidarity.

The woman in the elevator

Eleven eerie stories by the Swedish bestselling author Helene Tursten: creepily exciting and full of sophistication. High tension at its finest, this time with a good shot of supernatural.

The first suspicion

A new case for Irene Huss, criminal inspector from Gothenburg: The 50-year-old hotel and restaurant owner Kjell B. Ceder is found shot dead in his luxurious villa. Jealous Drama or Ice Cold Crime?

Fire dance

A new case for Irene Huss, criminal inspector from Gothenburg: the body of the young choreographer Sophie is found in a burned down shed. Accident or murder? Sophie is not the first burnt victim in the family. Years ago, her stepfather died in a very similar way. Under urgent suspicion at the time: little Sophie.

The dead one in the cellar

The body of a young girl is found in an old earth cellar somewhere in Gothenburg. She was held prisoner for a long period of time, abused, and then brutally murdered. The girl's identity remains in the dark for a long time because nobody seems to miss her. The first tracks lead into the red light district, until finally another track leads to Tenerife, where Irene Huss barely escapes an assassination attempt. But the killer is closer than the investigators suspect.

The fire house

Two girl bodies are found in Gothenburg. The lingerie brand found on their bra and panties indicates, according to initial findings, one and the same perpetrator. When a mummified corpse is found in a demolition house and the gang war threatens to escalate in the city, the team of investigators around Irene Huss almost grows stressed about the matter. In addition, Irene still has to grapple with her new, unsympathetic boss. And that is not exactly helpful for a quick investigation into the cases.

Who watches in the dark

A serial killer - psychopathic stalker - strikes. Irene Huss soon realizes that he's after her too. In addition, the past reappears, the events from the fire dance come back into the light.

Irene Huss

The main protagonist in most of Helene Tursten's works is Irene Huss, who became European Jiu Jitsu champion two years before her twins were born. She is one of the rare women with the 3rd Dan black belt . That's why she mostly trains with men, but also because not many women are currently doing this sport. At the moment she is training the police group in Jiu Jitsu. But since she became a mother, she has had to cut back on her training, to her chagrin. Together with her husband Krister, a cook in Glady's Corner (one of the most popular restaurants in Gothenburg, which has already been awarded a star), their daughters and the old dog Sammie they live in a row house.

The twins Jenny and Katarina are now in their teens. Jenny is a staunch vegetarian, later also a vegan, and used to play polo in the band . A little later she decides to train as a cook in a restaurant specializing in vegan cuisine and to follow in her father's footsteps. Katarina currently has a boyfriend with whom she does a lot. Like her mother, she also trains Jiu Jitsu.

In the further chronological course of the volumes, the daughters grow up and leave the house. Sammy dies, Egon takes his place in The Dachshund watches in the dark . In this volume, Irene and Krister decide to move into a city apartment.

Investigative team of the department in Gothenburg (Irene Huss series)

In addition to Irene Huss, the investigative team of the Göteborg Department includes Tommy Persson, Commissioner Sven Andersson, and after his retirement, Commissioner Efva Thylqvist, Jonny Blom, Fredrik Stridh, Hannu Rauhala, Birgitta Moberg-Rauhala, since the 5th volume ( The first suspicion ) also Kajsa Birgersdotter and, in a more distant sense, Svante Malm from forensics and the head of forensic medicine, Prof. Dr. Yvonne Stridner.

Tommy Persson

Tommy is Irene's best and oldest friend. They got to know each other at the police school and probably maintained contact there, as they were the only two real Gothenburg residents. Tommy is now divorced from his wife Agneta, who was also Irene's best friend. The three children stay with Agneta, who now lives with a doctor.

Commissioner Sven Andersson

Commissioner Sven Andersson is actually much too old for the service. He could have been retired long ago, but he's holding up well. However, the work does not exactly improve his high blood pressure and asthma. He is not married, but maintains contact with the Londoner Donna, for whom he is now trying to improve his English considerably. Besides, he doesn't think much of women at work. He firmly believes that women belong at the stove in a well-protected home and should take care of the house and family. And if they have to go to work, why go to him in the Violent Crime Department of all people; that is really not the most suitable environment for such tender hearts. First came Irene, then Birgitta and now Kajsa too. But most of all he loved Prof. Dr. Yvonne Stridner, the head of forensic medicine, because she is incredibly self-assured and self-confident. The fact that she is always right about everything doesn't exactly make her more popular with the inspector.

Efva Thylkvist

Successor to Commissioner Sven Andersson from the ninth volume. Also has problems with the female investigators. In the tenth volume, the focus is on itself - in order not to destroy the tension in the tape, initially nothing more should be done.

Jonny Blom

Jonny is the father of four children and the idiot among the investigators. He says things that others only think of, and he always manages to trample from one faux pas to the next. However, he also has his special way of dealing with female colleagues, e.g. B. he was already suspected of giving Birgitta dirty pictures. His other problem is that he can't see a drop of alcohol standing on it, but he has improved significantly since his wife threatened to file for divorce if he doesn't stop drinking. Now he no longer comes to work on Monday morning completely hungover.

Fredrik Stridh

Not much can be said about Fredrik. He is calm, does his job very well and conscientiously. You can rely on him in every situation.

Hannu Rauhala

Hannu is Finnish, but has lived in Gothenburg for a long time. He is very calm, but when he says something, it has a background, facts as a basis and a well thought-out structure. He has been on paternity leave since the 5th volume ( The First Suspicion ). Kajsa takes his position during this time, which the commissioner is not exactly happy about, as this means one more woman on the team. However, in the 6th volume ( fire dance ) he comes back from paternity leave and takes up his job again.

Birgitta Moberg-Rauhala

Birgitta is the second female investigator in the team around Commissioner Sven Andersson. She's really pretty and has been molested about it. At that time, Jonny was suspected of slipping her dirty picture. However, these escapades have stopped, and now she is married to Hannu, who was only on paternity leave, but is now back with us. In the eighth volume she suffers a miscarriage and has to struggle with the consequences. She therefore stays in the hospital for a long time.

Kajsa Birgersdotter

Kajsa has only been a representative for Hannu since the 5th volume. As far as you can tell so far, she is pretty tough because she still goes to work even after a hospital stay and takes this for granted. Otherwise she is pretty calm and reserved. However, Hannu returns in the 6th volume ( fire dance ) and with that Kajsa is transferred back to her original department.

Svante Malm

Svante Malm is a freckled, red-haired good-mood man. He's never in a bad mood, but that too can get on your nerves. Since he is from forensics, he is very familiar with all natural sciences.

Prof. Dr. Yvonne Stridner

And last but not least, Professor Doctor Yvonne Stridner. With her flaming red hair, she rushes to a crime scene, and after a very short time draws conclusions as to how and where the deceased could have died. She usually promises to do the autopsy as soon as possible, and these usually confirm her conclusions. The first and last thing you hear from her are the sounds of her heels clattering behind her high-heeled shoes. And as certain as that the commissioner gets a red head every time something does not go as he imagines, it is also certain that Prof. Dr. Stridner gets annoyed every time she appears or just does something that doesn't really fit the pattern that he has worked out for the respective case so far. In addition, she mostly acts like a director who is always right, and that's why she often makes you feel more like a 3-year-old than an adult. Because when she gives a lecture in the presidium, even the commissioner ducks his head.

Linda Holm

She does not belong directly to the team around Commissioner Andersson, but appears for the first time in the seventh volume of the series and plays a very important role in the investigation. She heads the human trafficking division. In her role, she can provide Irene Huss and her colleagues with important information and details that will prove to be very helpful as the work progresses.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Information: http://german.imdb.com/name/nm1061220/