Heleno Fragoso

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Heleno Cláudio Fragoso (born February 5, 1926 in Nova Iguaçu , † May 18, 1985 in Rio de Janeiro ) was one of the most prominent Brazilian criminal lawyers and criminologists . He completed his studies at the University of Rio de Janeiro. In 1981 he became full professor of criminal law at the same university. He was also a Doctor honoris causa at the University of Coimbra , Portugal . Vice-President of the Association Internationale de Droit Pénal and the International Commission of Jurists . He was a famous defense lawyer for many political prisoners during the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964–1985).


Works by Heleno Fragoso (all in Portuguese)

  • Criminal law, general part (Lições de Direito Penal, Parte Geral, 2006)
  • Criminal Law, Special Part, two volumes (Lições de Direito Penal, Parte Especial, 2 volumes, 1988)
  • Penal Code - Commentary, continuation of the work justified by Nelson Hungria (Comentários ao Código Penal, 1981)
  • Terrorism and Political Crime (Terrorismo e Criminalidade Politica, 1981)
  • Criminal justice and the revolution (A justiça penal ea revolução, 1965)
  • Lawyer for Freedom (Advocacia da liberdade, 1984)
  • Criminal Law and Human Rights (Direito Penal e Direitos Humanos, 1977)
  • Prisoners' rights (Direitos dos Presos, with prof. Yolanda Catão , 1980).
  • Criminal offense (Conduta Punível, 1961)
  • Criminal justice (Jurisprudência Criminal, 1982)
  • National Security Act, an anti-democratic experience (Lei de Segurança Nacional: uma experiência antidemocrática, 1980)
  • Narcotics abuse in Brazilian legislation (Abuso de Drogas na Legislação Brasileira, 1976)
  • Introduction to criminal law and criminal process (Primeiras Linhas sobre o Direito Penal e sobre o Processo Penal, 1975)

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