Helga Storck

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Helga Storck (* 1943 in Grünberg ) is a German actress and screenwriter .


She grew up in Grünberg, went to elementary school in Schkopau and attended the Käthe Kollwitz high school in Merseburg , which she completed with a high school diploma. In 1961 she fled to West Berlin , where she attended an acting school from which she graduated with a diploma and stage maturity. She has been playing theater since 1965 and has had engagements at many city theaters such as Hanover, Bonn, Bern, Cologne and Munich.

She had her first film role in 1974 in the television film Investigations against Unknown by Günter Wallraff and Jürgen Alberts . In the following years she played supporting roles in series such as SOKO 5113 , Weiberwirtschaft or Tatort . She gained her first experience as a screenwriter in 1989 in the series Das Nest des Hessischen Rundfunks . In 2006 she shot the documentary An der Saale hellem Strande - Ein Kulturhaus tells with Peter Goedel .

In 2013 she was awarded the Silesian Culture Prize of the State of Lower Saxony .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d On the Saale bright beach - A culture house tells - about the film . Retrieved January 1, 2013.