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The Hellenotamiai (Greek plural Ἑλληνοταμίαι = Hellēnota'míai, composed of Ἕλληνο from Ἕλλην = Hellene, Greek; ταμίαι plural to ταμίας = administrator, purser) formed in antiquity a college of the Athenian civil servants. First Attic Maritime League founded in BC was responsible. Initially ten belonged, from 411 BC onwards. Twenty members of the college. With the end of the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC The authority was dissolved.

The Hellenotamiai had to ensure the payments of the allies and, in the event of war, for the payments to the strategists by popular resolution , to deposit the sixtieth of the tribute ( phoros ) due to the Dionysia with the treasurers of Athena on the Acropolis and perhaps also to draw up the tribute lists . There is evidence that they also paid grants for the construction of the Propylaea and the Parthenon . They also provided the money for recording honorary resolutions. Many tribute lists have been preserved in writing. The authority had ten assessors and one, sometimes two clerks to assist it. To become a member of the college, one had to be an Athenian from the Pentakosiomedimnoi class and be elected by the Attic people's assembly.

The authority and the federal treasury were from 478/477 BC. In Delos , from 454/453 BC. In Athens . In addition, the Hellenotamiai administered the state treasury of the Athenians from 411/410, since both treasuries were merged and they also took over the tasks of the Kolakreten , the financial authority. The authority did not exist in the Second Attic League.


  • Thucydides 1,96,2 on institution, task, seat: καὶ Ἑλληνοταμίαι τότε πρῶτον Ἀθηναίοις κατέστη ἀρχή, οἳ ἐρδέχοντο τὸν φόροντο τὸν φόρον · οὕὠτη ρντάω νοτω τντάν φόρον · οὕὠτω ρντωάντην φῶρον νοτω τντην φόρον ἦν δ 'ὁ πρῶτος φόρος ταχθεὶς τετρακόσια τάλαντα καὶ ἑξήκοντα. ταμιεῖόν τε Δῆλος ἦν αὐτοῖς, καὶ αἱ ξύνοδοι ἐς τὸ ἱερὸν ἐγίγνοντο = and the Hellenotomiai were used for the first time by the Athenians, as the authority that received the Phoros: This is what the levy was called. But it was the first Phoros fixed at 460 talents. Delos served them as the treasury and the meetings were held in the sanctuary.
  • Aristotle , Constitution of the Athenians 30.2 for election from the Council of 500, acquisition of state finances, Resting their Council activities τούτων δ εἶναι ... ἑλληνοταμίας καὶ τῶν ἄλλων ὁσίων χρημάτων ἁπάντων εἴκοσιν οἳ διαχειριοῦσιν ... τοὺς δὲ ἑλληνοταμίας οἳ ἂν διαχειρίζωσι τὰ χρήματα μὴ συμβουλεύειν = from these (the council members) are ... twenty Hellenotamiai, who will probably also administer all other funds ... the Hellenotamiai who administer the funds should no longer participate in the council.
