Helmar Rendez

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Helmar Rendez (born July 13, 1962 in Stuttgart ) is a German energy manager. He has been CEO of Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG and Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke AG since October 2016 . Since 2010, Rendez has been CEO of Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH and Vattenfall Europe Distribution Hamburg GmbH. In addition, until 2015 he was Head of Business for the “Distribution” division for the operational management and further development of Vattenfall's electricity distribution networks in Germany and Swedenresponsible. From July 2015 to September 2016, he continued his career in the Lausitz lignite mining district as a member of the board of the mining operator Vattenfall Europe Mining & Generation, where he was responsible for the finance department.


Rendez studied industrial engineering at the Technical University of Berlin and was awarded a Dr.-Ing. PhD. In the nineties he headed the Berlin branch of the Kienbaum management consultancy . In 1998 he moved to VEAG , where he was in charge of corporate development. From 2004 to 2007 he was a member of the board of WEMAG in Schwerin and an authorized signatory of Vattenfall Europe AG. From 2007 to 2010 Rendez was a member of the Executive Group Management of Vattenfall AB in Stockholm, responsible for the Group's strategy development. Rendez lives in Berlin , is married and has a daughter.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The management of the LEAG .