Helmut Heine

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Helmut Heine (born January 10, 1942 in Gütersloh ) is a German industrial clerk who headed the Miele branch in Freiburg from 1974 to 2000 .


After training as an industrial clerk at Miele in his hometown of Gütersloh, Helmut Heine came to Freiburg via Essen and Stuttgart, where he took over the management of the household appliance manufacturer's branch. From 1978 to 1981 he was the chairman of the active business juniors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. From 1984 to 2005, Helmut Heine was active as chairman of the IHK circle of friends he co-founded. At the request of the cultural mayor and the municipal council, Heine took over the chairmanship of the circle of friends of the municipal theaters, which was being established, from 1987 to 1994. He was the spokesman for the initiative Citizens vote for Freiburg - Yes to our concert hall and from 1990 to 2005 chairman of the Friends of the Konzerthaus. In 2010, the Federal President awarded the honorary chairman of the Friends of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Junior Chamber , who was appointed third Freiburg Senator of the world organization Junior Chamber International in 1982 , with the Federal Cross of Merit "for many years of voluntary work in the economic and cultural field".

Web links


The Westphalian who has become Baden - Helmut Heine receives the Federal Cross of Merit for his commitment to culture and business. Badische Zeitung online from May 21, 2010

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Heine receives Federal Cross of Merit: Press release: Baden-Württemberg.de. In: baden-wuerttemberg.de. Retrieved June 24, 2015 .