Helmut Mönkemeyer

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Helmut Mönkemeyer (born September 26, 1905 , † June 30, 1992 ) was a German music teacher and editor.

Live and act

Mönkemeyer initially studied architecture and only worked as a hobby singer in the motet choir of German students. But a concert tour in 1925 led him to the decision to give up architecture in favor of studying music, which he completed at the State Academic University of Music in Berlin. After a few years as a horn player and music teacher, he was commissioned in 1934 to set up a music school in Krefeld .

In 1952 he founded the Association of German Music Schools with Fritz Jöde and Konrad Wölki, among others .

In order to support poorer students in the post-war period who could not afford the expensive musical instruments, he invented new instruments, for example the fifth fiddle and the octave guitar . He also published literature with works by composers from the 15th to 18th centuries and wrote teaching works for recorders, guitar, viol and other instruments.

Publications (selection)

  • Krefeld song book. Song sheets from the Krefeld Volksmusikschule for singing and playing on recorders, viols and other instruments. Edited by Helmut Mönkemeyer. Complete edition. Hermann Moeck Verlag / Celle [1937]
  • Antiqua choir book
  • Playing the soprano recorder
  • Instructions for playing the alto flute
  • School for tenor bass viol


  • Ilse Hechler: On the death of Helmut Mönkemeyer . In: Tibia , vol. 1992 issue 4
  • Moeck-Mönkemeyer: On the history of the zinc .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Obituary by Ilse Hechler and Parte , archived as a pdf by Moeck-Verlag (accessed on September 14, 2018)

Web links