Helmut Teitzel

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Helmut Teitzel (born July 4, 1934 in Göttingen ) is a former German trade unionist.


After attending primary school, Teitzel first completed an apprenticeship as a shoemaker and then worked as a shoe factory worker in Sudheim . In 1956 he joined the leather union .

From 1964 Teitzel worked as a secretary in the Pirmasens local administration of the leather trade union before he was appointed collective bargaining secretary in the main board administration in Stuttgart in 1968 .

His further trade union career led him to the 11th trade union day in 1976 as deputy federal chairman on the federal executive board. At the 12th trade union day, which took place from May 7th to 10th, 1980 in Düsseldorf , he was elected to succeed Gerhard van Haaren , who for health reasons did not run for the office of federal chairman again. On March 2, 1983, he also became a member of the executive board of the German Federation of Trade Unions , to which he was a member until 1994. There Teitzel headed the finance department. He then retired.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. New chairman of the leather trade union (PDF; 31 kB)
  2. Helmut Teitzel - New member of the executive board of the DGB (PDF; 30 kB)