Henri-Cardin-Jean-Baptiste d'Aguesseau

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Henri-Cardin-Jean-Baptiste d'Aguesseau (born August 23, 1747 in Fresnes-sur-Marne , † January 22, 1826 ibid) was a French lawyer, politician, diplomat and member of the Académie française .

life and work

The way to the Académie française

Henri-Cardin-Jean-Baptiste d'Aguesseau was the grandson of the Chancellor Henri François d'Aguesseau as well as the civil servant Cardin Le Bret de Flacourt (1675-1734). He quickly made a career as a lawyer, became Advocate General in Parliament in 1774 and was Master of Ceremonies for the Order of the Holy Spirit from 1783 to 1790 . In 1775 he married a granddaughter of Nicolas René Berryer . From 1782 he was a member of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture . In 1787 he was elected to the Académie française (seat no. 11). For this purpose, the academy had his writing Histoire de la campagne du prince de Condé en Flandre en 1764 from 1774, which is no longer verifiable today. No other literary or historical works are known of him.

The path through revolution and empire into restoration

In 1789 he represented the nobility of the electoral district ( bailliage ) Meaux at the Estates General . In June 1790 he retired to his castle in Fresnes-sur-Marne. Later he hid with a servant and so survived the French Revolution without emigration.

After the coup d'état of 18th Brumaire VIII (1799) he became president of the Paris Court of Appeal, 1802 ambassador to Denmark, 1805 senator. In 1804 he became commander of the Legion of Honor and in 1808 Napoleon awarded him the title of Count. Louis XVIII appointed him peer of France in 1814 . He died in 1826 at the age of 78 in the family castle in Fresnes-sur-Marne (sold and demolished in 1828) as the last survivor of the pre-revolutionary Académie française.


  • Lumières de la Franc-Maçonnerie française . Paris 2006, p. 287.

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