Henri Cuq

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Henri Cuq (born March 12, 1942 in Toulouse , † June 11, 2010 in Paris ) was a French politician of the Union pour un mouvement populaire (UMP).


After attending school, he studied at the Institut d'études politiques de Toulouse . Cuq was a longtime personal friend of Jacques Chirac . After Chirac was elected to the list of mayors of Paris , Cuq became his special representative ( Chargé de mission ) in 1977 and then in 1979 the mayor's cabinet director. He held this position until 1986.

He was then elected a member of the National Assembly ( Assemblée nationale ) for the first time , where he initially represented the interests of the Ariège department until 1988 . In 1988 he was elected as a candidate of the Rassemblement pour la République (RPR) for a member of the National Assembly in the 9th constituency of the Yvelines department .

Later, during the presidency of Chirac , he was temporarily commissioner for the police ( Commissaire de police ) and director of general information ( Directeur des Renseignements généraux ) at the Elysée Palace .

In the election for the National Assembly was elected a candidate of the UMP in the 9th constituency of Yvelines in 2002 back to the member selected.

In March 2004, President Chirac appointed him Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament ( Ministre délégué chargé des Relations avec le Parlement ) in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin . He also held this office in the subsequent government of Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin until May 2007.

In the 2007 election to the National Assembly, he was re-elected in the 9th constituency of Yvelines and was a member of parliament in the 13th legislative period until his death. At the same time he was chairman of the association Avec le président Chirac from 2008 until his death . In October 2008, he was one of the seven UMP MPs who voted against an amendment to the Constitution of the Fifth French Republic .

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