List of Mayors of Paris

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The office of Mayor of Paris was created the day after the French Revolution , replacing the office of Vogts of Merchants ( Prévôt des marchands ) .

List of Mayors of Paris (Maires de Paris)

The Hôtel de Ville (City Hall) has served as the mayor's official residence since 1789 . Before that, the merchants' bailiffs resided here.
image Surname Term of office
Bailly 01.jpg Jean-Sylvain Bailly July 15, 1789 - November 18, 1791
Villeneuve Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve November 18, 1791 - July 7, 1792
Philibert Borie July 7, 1792 - July 13, 1792
Villeneuve Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve July 13, 1792 - October 15, 1792
Antoine René Boucher October 15, 1792 - December 2, 1792
Nicolas Chambon December 1, 1792 - February 4, 1793
Pache Jean-Nicolas Pache February 14, 1793 - May 10, 1794
Fleuriot-Lescot Jean-Baptiste Fleuriot-Lescot May 10, 1794 - July 28, 1794
Suspension of office after the overthrow of the welfare committee . The municipality of Paris was set up in twelve decentralized municipal administrations, the supervision of which was entrusted to the state-appointed Prefect of the Seine ( Préfet de la Seine ). Only after the February Revolution of 1848 could the city's citizens elect their own mayor again.
Garnier-Pagès Louis-Antoine Garnier-Pagès February 24, 1848 - March 5, 1848
Marrast Armand Marrast March 9, 1848 - July 19, 1848
The office was suspended after the June uprising in 1848, the city administration was again subordinated to the Prefect of the Seine. After the fall of Emperor Napoléon III. a mayor was reappointed by the Provisional Government.
Arago Étienne Arago September 4, 1870 - November 15, 1870
Ferry Jules Ferry November 15, 1870 - November 15, 1871
Suspension of office after the proclamation of the third republic . It was replaced by a local council headed by a president.

List of Presidents of the Municipal Council of Paris (Présidents du conseil municipal de Paris)

Surname Political party Term of office
Joseph Vautrain republican 1871-1872
Louis Dausset nationalist 1901-1902
Paul Brousse 1905
Henri Galli National Republicans 1912-1913
Paul Chassaigne-Goyon 1913-1914
Adrien Mithouard 1914-1919
César Caire National Republicans 1919-1922
Jules-René Fiquet 1933-1934
Jean Chiappe National Republicans 1935-1936
Pierre Taittinger National Republicans 1937-1945
André Le Troquer SFIO (socialist) 1945-1946
Pierre de Gaulle RPF (Gaullist) 1947-1951
Edouard Frédéric-Dupont 1953-1954
Pierre Ruais 1956-1957
Pierre Lévêque 1958
Pierre-Christian Taittinger CNI (liberal-conservative) 1962-1963
Jacques Dominati 1971-1974
Bernard Lafay UDR (Gaullist) 1975-1977
Dissolution of the local council and reintroduction of the mayor's office.

List of Mayors of Paris (Maires de Paris)

image Surname Political party Term of office
Chirac Jacques Chirac RPR (Gaullist) March 20, 1977 - May 16, 1995
Tiberi Jean Tiberi RPR (Gaullist) May 22, 1995 - March 24, 2001
Delanoe Bertrand Delanoë PS (socialist) March 25, 2001 - April 5, 2014
Hidalgo Anne Hidalgo PS (socialist) since April 5, 2014