Henri Pensis

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Henri Pensis (born November 3, 1900 in Pfaffenthal , a district of Luxembourg ; † June 1, 1958 ) was a Luxembourg conductor , composer and violinist .


Henri Pensis completed his musical training at the Conservatories of Luxembourg, Brussels and Cologne. In 1933 he founded the Luxembourg Radio Orchestra , from which the present Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra emerged. In 1940 Pensis went to the USA , where he led the New Jersey Philharmonic Orchestra, among other things. In 1946 he returned to Luxembourg and reorganized the Philharmonic Orchestra, which he directed until his death.

Compositions (selection)

  • Soir d'été (poème symphonique)
  • Fugue classique
  • Suite pour orchester
  • Scene de danse pour orchester
  • Nockes an Nackes (comédie musicale)
  • Hymn solennel
  • Fantaisie de Noël