Henrik Scheller

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Henrik Scheller (* 1972 in Berlin ) is a German political scientist , university professor and team leader at the German Institute for Urban Studies .

Life and professional development

After completing his studies, during which he also worked for Pricewaterhouse Coopers , he passed an artistic-scientific state examination in 2001. In 2002 he obtained his diploma and in 2004 his doctorate in political science from the Free University of Berlin. In 2001/2002 he also worked in Oswald Metzger's Berlin office . In 2006/2077 he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations at Queen's University , Kingston , Canada.

In 2008/2009 he worked as a project manager at the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI). The project dealt with "Hamburg's State Finances - Development and Future". In 2009 he was a visiting fellow at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins University , Washington DC, USA.

From 2007 to 2011 he was Project Manager at the Bertelsmann Foundation . His projects were: “Thinking the future globally”, module: “Governance of global megatrends”, “Action Demographic Change”, module “Federal Government - Länder”. He was also responsible for the Federalism Reform II issue .

2011-2013 Scheller worked as a research assistant at the chair “Politics and Governance in Germany and Europe” at the University of Potsdam . 2013 - 2015 he represented the W3 professorship "Politics and Governance in Germany and Europe" at the University of Potsdam.

Henrik Scheller has been the “Economics and Finance” team leader at the German Institute for Urban Studies since 2015 .


Scheller's areas of work are infrastructure , economics and finance, in particular the financial and budget policy of the municipalities, investment policy and infrastructure financing of the municipalities, mixed financing, federal financial relations and municipal financial equalization systems.


Monographs and editorships

  • Anders, LH / Scheller, H./Tuntschew, T. (Ed.) 2018: Parties and the politicization of the European Union, anthology in the publication series of the DVPW section “Comparative Political Science”, Wiesbaden: SpringerVS.
  • Eppler, A./Scheller, H. (2013): On the conceptualization of European disintegration. Pulling forces and opposing forces in the European integration process. Baden-Baden: Nomos publishing company.
  • Anderson, G./Scheller, H. (2012): Fiskalföderalismus. An international comparative introduction. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, UTB.
  • Junkernheinrich, M./Korioth, S./Lenk, T./Scheller, H./Woisin, M. (Eds.) (2009) *: Yearbook for Public Finances 2009. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag - ongoing.
  • Baus, R./Scheller, H./Hrbek, R. (Hrsg.) (2009): Der deutsche Föderalismus 2020 - The federal distribution of powers and finances as reflected in the federalism reform I and II. In: Series of publications by the European Center for Federalism Research ; Volume 35. Baden-Baden: Nomos publishing company.
  • Scheller, H./Schmid, J. (Hrsg.) (2008): Federal policy making in the German federal state - variable interweaving patterns in policy fields. In: Series of publications by the European Center for Research on Federalism; Volume 32 Baden-Baden: Nomos Publishing Company.
  • Junkernheinrich, M./Scheller, H./Woisin, M. (Hrsg.) (2007): Between reform ideas and functional demands - concepts and positions on the German financial constitution. In: “Forum Public Finances” series. Lüdenscheid: Analytica Verlagsgesellschaft.
  • Scheller, H. (2005): Political standards for a reform of the federal financial equalization. Berlin: Free University, dissertation. In: “Forum Public Finances” series. Lüdenscheid: Analytica Verlagsgesellschaft.

Publications with a municipal reference (selection)

  • Schneider S., Scheller, H. & Holbach-Grömig 2018: Urban development funding in NRW. Success factors and obstacles to applying for, approving and accounting for funding, Berlin: Difu-Impulse 1/2018.
  • Floeting, H., Kirchhoff, G., Scheller, H. & J. Schneider (Ed.) 2018: Immigration and integration of refugees in municipalities. The long way from arriving to staying, Berlin: Difu-Impulse 1/2018.
  • Scheller, H. & 2017: KfW Municipal Panel 2017, published by KfW Bankengruppe, Frankfurt am Main, 2017.
  • Scheller, H. (2017): Integration in the German Federal State: From a Financial Strength to a Need-Oriented Fiscal Compensation Mechanism, in: Der Gemeindehaushalt, H. 1/2017, S. 6-12.
  • Scheller, H. (2017): Approaches for a generation-appropriate urban, infrastructure and financial planning of the municipalities, in: Sächsischer Auditing Court (Ed.): Financial Control in Saxony, Volume 8, Dresden, pp. 91-102.
  • Scheller, H. (2017): The integrative power of the German federal state and its members - a fiscal organizational problem ?, in: Junkernheinrich, Martin / Joachim Lange (ed.): Federal financial relations under pressure. From refugee policy to the reform of financial equalization, Loccumer Protocols 14/16, pp. 133–158.

Individual evidence

  1. https://difu.de/sites/difu.de/files/mitarbeiter_daten/Vita_Scheller.pdf