Henrik Visnapuu

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Henrik Visnapuu (photograph from 1917)

Henrik Visnapuu (born December 21, 1889 July / January 2,  1890 greg. In the parish of Helme ; † April 3, 1951 on Long Island , New York ) was an Estonian poet , playwright and literary critic .


Henrik Visnapuu first attended the community school in Reola (today the municipality of Ülenurme ) and the ministerial college in Sipe (today the municipality of Kambja ) as well as the municipal school in Tartu . In 1907 he passed the professional examination for elementary school teachers at the grammar school in Narva and then worked as a teacher at various schools. In 1912 he moved to Tartu and taught Estonian and literature at the girls' high school there . At the same time he attended lectures in philosophy at the University of Tartu . It was not until 1916 that he received his Abitur as an external student and was able to enroll as a full student at the universities in Tartu and in 1922 for three semesters in Berlin .

From 1917 Visnapuu also worked as a journalist for the Tallinna Teataja newspaper , after which he worked as a freelance journalist and author until 1935. From 1935 to 1944 he was a consultant in the cultural department of the information authority of the Estonian state.

With the approaching Soviet occupation of Estonia, Henrik Visnapuu fled to Germany in 1944 and to the USA in 1949 .


Henrik Visnapuu made his lyrical debut in 1908. He became one of the most important Estonian poets of his time in the 1920s and 1930s. Alongside Marie Under , he was one of the most influential members of the literary group Siuru , founded in 1917 , which felt strongly connected to symbolism . Henrik Visnapuu's poems are particularly noticeable for their futuristic and expressionistic language .

Poetry collections

  • Amores (1917)
  • Jumalaga, Ene! (1918)
  • Talihari (1920)
  • Hõbedased kuljused (1920)
  • Käoorvik (1920)
  • Ränikivi (1925)
  • Maarjamaa laulud (1927)
  • Puuslikud (1929)
  • Tuulesõel (1931)
  • Päike ja jõgi (1932)
  • Põhjavalgus (1938)
  • Tuule-ema (1942)
  • Esivanemate hauad (1946)
  • Ad astra (1947)
  • Periheel. Ingi raamat (1947)
  • Mare Balticum (1948)
  • Linnutee (1950)

Other works (selection)

  • Vanad ja vastsed poeedid (Essays, 1921)
  • Jehoova surm (poem, 1927)
  • Parsilai (poem, 1927)
  • Meie küla poisid (comedy, 1932)
  • Poeetika põhijooni (literary treatise, 1932)
  • Saatana vari (verse novel, 1937)
  • Päike yes jõgi. Mälestusi noorusmaalt (Memories, 1951)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the baptismal register of the Helmet parish (Estonian: Helme kogudus)