Hermann Elflein

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Hermann Elflein

Hermann Elflein (born February 8, 1892 in Langensalza ; † July 22, 1943 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp ) was a German lithographer , politician ( KPD ) and resistance fighter against National Socialism .


Elflein, the son of a postal assistant, enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich in January 1919 in Gabriel von Hackl's drawing school . He was a member of the association of lithographers, lithographers and related professions and joined the KPD in Thuringia in 1920. In 1922 he moved to Potsdam . There he was a member of the city council for the KPD from 1924 to 1928. With his lithographs and posters, Elflein called against the danger of war and the growing fascism.

Shortly after the National Socialists " seized power " in 1933, he was arrested and held for nine months in Oranienburg concentration camp. After his release, Elflein organized the KPD's resistance struggle in Potsdam, Nowawes and the surrounding area in 1934 . Through contacts to the leadership in Berlin and the mediating function of Elflein, two communist resistance groups, which had previously been operating independently, were united in Potsdam. In February 1936, Elflein was arrested again and later to five years in prison convicted. After his sentence had expired, the Gestapo took him to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, where he died of exhaustion on July 22, 1943 as a result of years of torture and imprisonment.


  • In 1945, Schockstrasse in Potsdam was renamed Hermann-Elflein-Strasse .


Web links

  • Entry in the Potsdam Wiki.

Individual evidence

  1. Registration on the AdBK website