Hermann Gotthardt (lawyer)

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Hermann Gotthardt (born December 18, 1901 in Limburg an der Lahn , † December 9, 1949 in Münster ) was a German civil servant who helped organize the Aryanization of Jewish property.

Live and act

Gotthardt was born as the son of the businessman and later magistrate alderman Peter Louis Gotthardt and Mathilde Anna Gotthardt. Merk was born in Limburg ad Lahn. He had a twin brother, Ludwig Joseph. After attending school, Hermann Gotthardt studied law . He completed his studies with the doctorate to Dr. jur. from. He then entered the civil service with assessor seniority from October 27, 1928. Before 1933 Gotthardt belonged to the Center Party .

On January 22, 1934 Gotthardt was referred to the Secret State Police Office (Gestapa) in Berlin as "particularly suitable" by the Oberpräsidium in Koblenz , where he took over the management of Department II D (press police and atrocity propaganda). After the SS took over the Gestapo in April 1934, Gotthardt was taken over - unlike many other officials from the early days of the authority. After the reorganization of the Gestapa by the new head of the office, Reinhard Heydrich , Gotthardt is proven by the business allocation plan of October 1934 as head of subdivision 2 II (press department). Following recommendations by Rudolf Diels in March and von Heydrich in May 1934, Gotthardt was promoted to government councilor on October 1, 1934, contrary to the concerns of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior .

On the recommendation of Hermann Göring and Heydrich, Reich Minister of Economics Walther Funk brought Gotthardt into the Reich Ministry of Economics in 1938 , where he was active as a senior government councilor in Department IIIJd (Department for Jews). Johannes Ludwig stated: “Formally speaking, he is not the head of Department IIIJd, but the real head. And that is what matters ”. As a Jewish advisor to the Reich Ministry of Economics, Funk, as a representative of his ministry, was responsible for the Reich-wide supervision of the aryanization of Jewish property - especially of Jewish businesses. In this capacity he worked closely with the SS and with the big banks. He was also the representative of the Minister of Economics in the committee of the Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration .

In November 1940 Gotthardt was promoted to Ministerialrat .


  • The right of the parliamentary spending initiative in the Reich, in the states and Prussian municipal associations , 1929. (Dissertation)


  • Christoph Graf : Political police between democracy and dictatorship. Berlin 1983.
  • Johannes Ludwig: boycott, expropriation, murder. 1989.

Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Ludwig: Boycott, Expropriation, Murder , 1989. P. 197.