Hermann Harrassowitz (geologist)

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Hermann Ludwig Friedrich Harrassowitz (born October 19, 1885 in Cottbus , † April 18, 1956 in Bad Ems ; birth name: Hermann Meyer ) was a German geologist , soil scientist and paleontologist .


Harrassowitz was called Meyer until 1917 and was the son of a pharmacy owner in Cottbus. As a schoolboy he was stimulated by Felix Wahnschaffe to deal with geology and studied from 1904 at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and in Berlin. In 1908 he received his doctorate from Wilhelm Deecke in Freiburg and was his assistant. The dissertation was on the geology of Graubünden . From 1908 he was at the Mineralogical Institute of the University of Gießen , where he completed his habilitation in geology and palaeontology in 1910 and became an adjunct professor in 1915. After serving in the First World War in 1917/18 as a military geologist in Flanders and Russia, he became a full professor of geology and paleontology in Gießen in 1920 .

In 1934 he was forced to retire by the National Socialists, in 1947 after the war in Gießen he was given a teaching position again and in 1952 he retired.

He dealt with chemical weathering, especially of bauxite deposits . In 1921 he was awarded the From Reinach price of the Senckenberg Society for his monographs on fossil turtle from the Eocene of Messel .

In 1925 he became a member of the Leopoldina .


(Until 1917 as Hermann Meyer)

  • Geological investigations on the north-eastern edge of the Suretta massif in southern Graubünden, in: Reports of the Natural Research Society in Freiburg i. Br. 17, 1909, pp. 130-177
  • Frankenberger Zechstein and coarse clastic formations on the border of the Permian Triassic, in: Jb. D. prussia. geol. Landesanstalt 31, 1910, pp. 383-447
  • The Zechstein in the Wetterau and the regional importance of its facies, in: Ber. d. Oberhess. Ges. F. Natural u. Medicine Gießen, NF, Naturwiss. Abt. 5, 1912, pp. 49-106
  • Climate zones of weathering and their significance for the recent geological history of Germany, in: Geologische Rundschau, Volume 7, 1916, pp. 193–248
  • The genus of tortoise Anosteira von Messel and its tribal significance, in: Abhh. d. hess. geolog. State Agency 6, 1922
  • Laterite, material and attempt at geological evaluation, progress. Geology and Palaeontologie, 4 (14), 1926, pp. 1-314
  • Pyrite in the red sandstone of East Thuringia. Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, B 1927, pp. 345–358
  • Soils of the tropical region, in Edwin Blancke (Ed.), Handbuch der Bodenlehre, Volume 3: The theory of the distribution of soil types on the earth's surface, Springer 1930 (as well as: Soils of the warm, humid temperate region)
  • with Fritz Giesecke, Edwin Blank: Aklimatic soil formation and fossil weathering covers, manual of soil theory, volume 4, Springer 1930


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry, list of members Leopoldina