Hermann Historica

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The Hermann Historica GmbH is one of the world's leading auction houses for militaria and hunting objects. The Munich- based company was founded in the 1950s by Reich Count Erich Klenau von Klenova with a focus on coins and medals , which was later supplemented by orders and decorations (Graf Klenau oHG). In 1982 Wolfgang Hermann and Ernst-Ludwig Wagner took over the company.

The auctions of the collections of Axel Guttmann and Karsten Klingbeil became particularly well known . Some auctions generate an international response, e.g. B. the auction with everyday objects of Adolf Hitler . In addition to the main focus on militaria, other historical objects are also auctioned.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Süddeutsche Zeitung : Under arms, Hermann Historica. (May 30, 2012) http://newsticker.sueddeutsche.de/list/id/1320329 ( Memento from May 30, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Michael-Georg Müller: cannons, art and chastity belt. In: Die Welt from April 28, 2002 [1]
  3. Handelsblatt : What ancient armor and crabs have in common. (January 9, 2012) [2]
  4. The Australian : Adolf Hitler auction causes uproar (October 5, 2011) [3]
  5. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung : World record for catch figure: Lady from Gabon. (May 15, 2007) [4]
  6. Olga Kronsteiner: Imperial dream dimensions. In: The Standard of December 21, 2012 [5]