Hermann Kayser

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Hermann Kayser (born March 19, 1895 in Hagen , † December 5, 1948 in Oranki, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast ) was a German medical officer.


Kayser studied medicine at the Kaiser Wilhelms Academy for military medical education . In 1914 he joined the Pépinière Corps Saxonia. As a medical officer of the Reichswehr he was in 1932 at the University of Würzburg to Dr. med. PhD. Since 1937 chief medical officer of the Wehrmacht , he was at the garrison hospital in Königsberg in 1938/39 . When the attack on Poland began , he joined the 206th Infantry Division as a division doctor . On January 10, 1941, he became a corps doctor of the IV Army Corps . In the final phase of the Battle of Stalingrad on January 22, 1943, he was taken prisoner by the Soviets. Promoted to general physician on December 1, 1943, he died in captivity three years after the end of the war.


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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 63/183
  2. Dissertation: Indirect damage to the labyrinth as a result of headgun injuries .
  3. oocities.org


  1. Kayser was one of the 51 Saxons who were taken over by Corps Franconia in Hamburg in 1923 (KCL 1960, 60/538)